Tuesday 29 December 2009

Lovely Christmas

As usual Uncle John knitted us all a sock or two for Christmas. In fact he'd been so busy that he'd knitted us socks and sock badgers with their own sock. And we had Christmas socks to leave for Santa Paws to fill.

Of course we left out a Christmas sock for Uncle John too.

One of the presents that young Bertrand found in his Christmas sock .... luckily someone remembered it was there before he tried it on .. was a pencil. We'd found a whole present to go with this .... a pad of paper and a visit to this site


What a quiet lemuure he was for most of the day.

And we all got the lovliest pictures to put up on our walls.

What a lovely Christmas it was.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


It's almost ten o'clock and I think that certain lemuures should be thinking of turning in in an hour or two!! Not three or four maybe.

What a busy day .. padding the paws to the doctors in the morning thinking we were late but turning out to be early because we'd grabbed the wrong appointment slip while dashing the paws round trying to get there on time. Fortunately not too early though. What if it had been hours or even days early. Would the doctor have seen us before sending us home.

And what a change from the day before when we'd padded back in the snow. There we were at the doctors after padding there in the rain. I looked out of the window and said to someone "It's stopped raining" and I was right, it had. Half an hour or so later when it was time to go there was snow everywhere .. an inch or so settled on the ground with more almost blizzarding down it was so heavy.

What to do? Should we pad the paw paws back through the snows or should we use the carzies? We didn't have far to go so we decided to pad off home through the snow.

I thought that there'd be lots of snow the next morning ... but it had nearly all gone and the pavements and roads were almost clear when I poked my snout out of the door. Where had it gone? Surely it hadn't been warm enough over night to melt.


Thursday 3 December 2009


Lemuures are late always!!! Well, I often pad the paws out too slowly when I need to be somewhere but I think I might just start getting ready on time because I found these lovely screensavers that tell you the time.

These are my favourites but there are lots more





Even butterflies


I set my screensaver so that it comes up quite quickly and I'll be reminded quite a lot!!!


Sunday 29 November 2009


It would've been nice to pad the paws out today but if I had I think I would've been puddle jumping .. boiing ... boiing ... boiing ... whoops ... splosh!!!

It's been raining quite a time and I expect that the pavements are full of puddles ... big puddles ... little puddles ...................... bigger puddles. Not that I really mind but as I don't really need to go out maybe I'll leave it for today.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Gud night

Well, time to pad the paw paws to bed. Everyone has wrapped the tail around and gone to sleep already. Already!!! It's gone one in the morning and so should I .. the paws will be padded to the land of dreamy dreams soon. Though, as far as dreams go, I might as well stay awake because I very rarely remember mine. Once a year, if that.

Padded the paws to Tescoes for the beans and tomatoes etc and got a little damp on the way back. It was still quite warm .. ish though .. not as mild as it has been. Was glad I'd pottered out earlier than usual because it started to get colder ... and colder as time went on.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Agathering the softwarezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

How long is it since I padded the paws in here to do the bloggins????????????? As long as a ring tailed lemuure's tail maybe.

Or even longer.

I've been roaming the net and have settled here a reading and a listening to the archivies.


Unfortunately we cannot sprecken the deutchies so we don't know what the introduction is about .. but we picked out the wordies Musical Festival so we think this maybe part of a musical festival.

But it might not be.

Sprecklzies Deutchies anyone?

Also we found this very nice word processor


Where there aren't lots and lots of pieces of info catching your eye and making you think do I want to use that right this minute. And you can change the fonts and font colour and the background colour to have fun when you're typing and then, like magic, it goes to Note Paddlly Paws as if you hadn't had all the different colours!!!!

But. on the other paw, if you need or like lots of notes etc there is this


And they are all free.

Good nightzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday 26 October 2009

more zzzzzzzzzzzzzzs

Whoops .. where have we been. Well, nowhere really and we should have been doing the bloggings but time has been flying past. I get up and before I know it it's time to pad the paws to bed again.

It would be nice if I could sleep blog as I've been dozing most of the day. There are lots of hours in the day and I usually only sleep about 6 of them so there're lots to do things in. Hopefully today'll be like a catchup day for the sleepiness and tomorrow I'll be back doing the things that I should be doing.

But for now


Friday 2 October 2009

The family group

How many lemuures are there in this huggle of lemuures?


Well, went shopping for bread yesterday and was interested in the giraffe loaf .. a nice crusty loaf with giraffe like patterns on it .. what a bloomer!!! Why it's called a bloomer and not a giraffe loaf we couldn't work out but maybe cause everyone thinks it's a giraffe loaf and then finds out it's not and says "Qot a bloomer," Especially as next to it was a tiger loaf!!! All lemuures could make that mistake.

Such nice crusty loafs to go with the herbals. We haven't tried them but were very tempted after seeing those lemuures in Jerusalem with their sweet chala bread,

It's a long time since I've baked some bread. Bread is lovely straight from the oven while it's still warm and the margies melt from the warmth of the newly cooked loaf or bun but we've found that you have to eat it quickly because it just gets crustier and crustier and crustier very quickly til it becomes too hard to chew. Though maybe these days you can buy the new fangled flour that keeps the bread nice and soft. Uncle John says if we can get people to the moon this should be possible. We'll have to have a look and find out.

Maybe we could even try to bake some chala bread anyway.

Tuesday 29 September 2009


How stuffs work!!!! Not the thingies!!!!

Monday 28 September 2009

more auroras

And more about auroras from How things work


With a nice video


It'a nice that wunderground let's you play with their photos but not if you want them for the advertisments or to make money from them.

Uncle John asked if ewe could use them without permission if ur bloggins or diary had the adverts and I had to say I don't know. If we join in the Blogging survey we can ask all the questions we have.

Questions Questions Questions.

How to this and how to do that.

But I think they want lemuures who are nearer their headquarters and who are not always soooo late even if LALA.

I am always in a rush because I leave things so late.


We've just signed up to a blogging questionaire and study but expect that we're a bit too late and that other bloggers will have been chosen .. but you never know .. though we think we do.


Lemuures are late always


We would like to take the socks and teas and go to see the green skies of Alaska after seeing Glacierwolf's lovely pictures on wunderland
There are lots more to look at on the site.
And a lovely picture show to tell us all about them here
We got a bit of the feel of the ice and snow as we're defrosting the freezer today but outside it's a lovely autumn day with no auroras on the horizon.
Occasionally they can be seen in the UK
We'll be waiting with a mug of the herbals.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Wonderful wunderground

The photo site is lovely .. didn't realise that it was more than a photography site .. there's a lot about the weather and they've just started writing about climate change which, ofcourse, interests all lemuures.


Monday 21 September 2009

Dinner tonight

Ah, it's chala bread


It sounds very nice


Just like peanuts are too


Maybe we'll have peanuts with the rhubarb and prune yogurt for dinner tonight if Tescos has any of the roasted in the shells kind.


This is my favourite lemuure picture on the net at the moment,


It must be a very tasty slice of bread and something. I wonder what.

Or maybe it's cake!!!!!!!

Thursday 3 September 2009

to hibernate or not

Someone asked if I was going into hibernation. Ring tailed lemuures don't hibernate but the bloggings can as sometimes if u leave it for a while it'll say it's going into hibernation a zzzzzzzzzz and then u have to click to wake it up again.

Some lemurs do hibernate though


And if I was one of those lemuures I think both me and the bloggings would be hibernating for a few weeks to get lots of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz because the journey down has made me a very sleepy lemuure I must say.

The bloggings was going to hibernate for a while ... while I'm having lots of zzzzzzzzzzzz but hopefully it won't be for too long.

Good zzzzzzzzzz

Thursday 27 August 2009

Tea poetry

Lemuure asked if I would write a poem about tea. I suppose tea is good to write poems about cause it rhymes with me and see and Glasgie,

But .. the muse has deserted me .. not that I could ever write poetry. Oh, gosh everything's rhyming automatically!!!!

But not very poetically .. and so far .. nothing about tea. But. anyway, are muses just for poetry cause if they are I don't think Paddington ever arrived, let alone pottered off .

Oh Paddington where are you?

Near Ladbroke Grove maybe?

I left you a long time ago

And now it seems you've padded those furry paws

A long way away away from me.

Where are those paws dripping marmalade across the page?

Away in Tennesse?

Well, it rhymes with me

And it's quite near Peru

So I wonder as you do

If the muse has packed his suitcase and padded off to Aunt Lucee

Where she might make them a South American Yogi Bear Choco brew.

Though to be honest I don't think I could write poetry if I had a thousand Paddingtons to inspire me.

Anyway, a poem for Lemuure and everyone about tea. I wrote in rhyme so that people would know it's poetry though you can get poetry that doesn't rhyme. What kind of poetry is that? I don't know not being a poet or someone that reads poetry. It might be called free verse or it might not .. that might be about rhythm and not rhyming.

I guess the wikipedias might tell us.


You can write lots of different kinds of poetry. I haven't read the wikipedia article yet but was wondering if I could just write one word and it would still be a poem.








or .. could this be a poen?

Green tea

With water

Isn't Cokie Cola

Though it


Be still.

Tea poetry from uncle john.

And now ..............

Uncle John loves windmills .. he says how relaxing it would be to dry ur socks on them and watch them go round and round. You would have to adapt it a bit ofcourse .. but maybe we could build one in the back garden for him or on the roof and power the house as well as dry socks. I don't know anything about green power but there must be a way

Uncle John says that you have to be very careful with roof windmills cause they can lauch the house into orbit. He knows thos cause he once built a model started the windmill up mechanically through lack of wind amd the whole house took off. Hw said in if there was a hurricane you might very well find yourself in space and therefore it's always a good idea to have extra food and oxygen in.

Well, I never knew that

I think he's a total hippy at heart .. making models of windpowered houses and look how quickly he took to herbal teas. He has more tea bags than socks now.

Do you know if you can use a teabag more than once or do you get all the goodness out of them in a few minutes. A friend told me that when he was young they sometimes used the same teabags for most of the day. This was for your cuppas and really there wasn't much if any taste left by the end of the day though it seems they still enjoyed their cuppas.

And. now's the time to say goodnight .. goodnight

My. gosh, and it was too .. what a clever little song.

They're cuming to take us away ha ha

They're cuming to take me away ha ha he he ha ha he he ha ha .. um .. he he ha ha.

To the place where you can smell the car fumes when you sniff the air and where there's this kinda smell in your hair.

They're cuming to take me away ha ha he he ha ha he he.


Where there's lots of parks and commons and greens

And lots of windmills now it seems.

Up Brixton Hill there's a couple and on Clapham Common there's another.

Though only one has sails that go round and round

But at the others you can listen to sounds,

They're cumin to take me away ... hahahehehahaha

To a place down there where windymills are everywhere

They're cuming to take us away hahahehehahahehehaha

Anyway, I've still got some sorting to do and dinner to cook, sorry, heat up.

So will sign off til laters.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Paws out of the compost

The tea is packed and the sockkies too. What muure could a lemuure need. Well, except a book on compost we found at The Works. Umcle John tells me that it has a chapter on compost tea. Well, I never .. I've never heard of that one before .. they certainly don't sell it at Holland and Bassetts. Maybe it doesn't sell that well. Or. maybe it's something to do with European laws. I don't know about the comissions keeping their snouts out of our vitamins but they should certainly keep their paws out of the compost.

Monday 24 August 2009

Golden Animals

Our favourite band at the moment is Golden Animals .. described as psychedelic/blues/grunge influenced.

Uncle John said he couldn't believe we've missed them in Birmingham and Brixton. Was a wondering if that was the actual windmill in Brixtonium or the Windmill pub on Clapham common.

Still, they've been and gone.

I was wondering whether we should send them a teabag to thank them for their music. Well, two teabags .. one each. But which flavours would they like .. Uncle John wants to send them liquorice tea but I want to send white tea flavoured with orange .. I was going to send them the tea with raspberries but then thought they might think I didn't like their music really .. sigh.

Decisions .. decisions .. and then we have to choose the wrapping paper.

They're my favourite band right now.

The very lovely Golden Animals .. the videos are at the top of the page.


Maybe Uncle John could knit them a badger too.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Saying bye fer now, fer now

Today Uncle John and I and the rest of the troupe have been packing up our teabags ready for the big adventure as the day gets nearer when we leave for London. Uncle John has been making sure that not a teabag is left unpacked and that he doesn't forget any of his sock badgers or badger socks.

We are leaving in a few days time. Auntie John has been going round giving friends a goodbye teabag but it's not really goodbye just au revoiries til we get on the interknittings are weave our web again. It will be different but we have the emails and bloggies and tekephonies and we will be saying hi again almost as soon as we say goodbye .. fer .. now .. fer .. now.

Friday 21 August 2009


Just one of those night times where I'm popping in to say goodnight and then going to bed, It's late and my eyelids and tail are begining to droop and the occasional zzzz is becoming more of a ZZZZZZZZZ so if I don't potter off soon I'll be sleeping on the sofa because I was too tired to potter the paws to bed.

Had a nice day making avatars .. giant ones with space castles and space bunnies. It was lots of fun but oh gosh am I a sleepy lemuure .. I can hardly stay awake to type.

I've drunk my night time tea so off to bed now.

Good night Uncle John .. a snorty snore snore snort snort snort.


Time to turn in.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Socks or sock

Talking about Uncle John he says he'd like to blog about memory and socks with a bit of compost thrown in.

And will start soon.

Maybe he should snoore the sleeping song for us as well.


I must sing the zzzzzz song and go to bed

Last night I fell asleep on the sofa after singing the sleepy song with Uncle John .. think it was his snoooooooooore that did it. Maybe I'll ask him to record a few verses for me to play before I'm all tucked in at night.

Monday 17 August 2009

Gud night fer now

Off to bed .. have done some yogaring bendy stretchy exercices, drank my nightcap and sang the lemuure goodnight song with Uncle John. I thought he'd gone to sleep when he snored cause I'd forgotten there was a snore at the end of it.

Anyway off to bed

Sunday 16 August 2009

Good nightzzzzzzzzzz

Anyway padding the paws to bed again very soon. Have drunk my tea and it's time to sleep .

But just wanted to say good nightzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday 15 August 2009


Time to potter off to sleep again. I was going to write more but it's late and I'm a sleeeeeepy lemuure.

So off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

No time to blog but I will sing the sleept lemuure song before I go.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz zz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snort zz zz zzzzzzzz.

Zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


It's said that a few choruses of this will soon rest the mind and help a lemuure drift off to sleep. You can make up your own verses as you go along ofcourse.

So off I potter to the land of dreamy dreams again.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zz snort zzzzzzz zzz


Friday 14 August 2009

Learn what to do about the flu!!!!

Off to bed soon .. waiting for me tea to cool again. Hoping that a little non nose picking won't set evolution back too far while we wait for the flu ro go.

I suppose lemuures should bring out a video game based on evolution and nose picking and the flu. Too late now I suppose .. but The Netherlands has brought out a video game to help people understand the flu .. as far as I know there aren't any cameras up nostrils or anything like that .. but then I haven't really played it yet.

Here it is for those who want to know how far up the nose it goes in its investigation of the fnu fnu. There's another one after this and then a simple little catch your sneeze and wash your hands game.


Another flu game to help understand how flu mutates and the problems it cases is here


Catch ur sneezes .. wash ur hands. You don't just wash your hands to wash away the flu virus but also because warm soapy water damages the flu particle's outer membrane so that it stops being active. This takes about 30 seconds so don't rinse too quickly.


Wednesday 12 August 2009


The nose picking theory is that strengthens your immune system .. because all that gunk is being dealt with it everytime you pick and ......... !!!


Other docs believe that nose picking etc doesn't help at all.

Whatever you believe at moment it would be better to leave nose picking for a while as it could spread flu viruses before you know you've got them.

Scientists seem very interested in finding out the truth behind nose picking though as it was even in a Science Museum book I looked through and it's mentioned in books for all ages. And New Scientist


What a mystery.

But I don't think we'll be doing any experiments to furthur science.

Oh .. gosh .. and I've mentioned it too!!!!

Tuesday 11 August 2009


Waiting for my nightcap to cool again so that I can go to bed. I've been looking at the science books and the last copy of New Scientist and it seems that nostrils are big news in the science world .. especially nostrils with fingers up them.

Ofcourse it's not a good idea to pick noses at the moment .. because there could be lots of bugs up the nostrils and people don't want to catch the bugs or give them to other people.

But .. the science books are full of stories of nostrils with fingers up them because scientits believe that sticking your finger up your nose could've been a major point in human evolution and maybe lemuure evolution too as lemuures have noses and fingers .. and, yes, have been known to stick their fingers up the nose just like people.

I'll have to carry on with this in the morning as mu nightcap is cool and it's time to pad the paws to bed again.

Monday 10 August 2009

Tubing hedgehogs

I was in Waterstones looking for books on compost for young Bertrand when I came across some very interesting scientific books for younger lemuures by Mitchel Symons .. How Much Poo Does An Elephant Do and Why Eating Boggies is Good For You.

One of the books was a life guide and while looking through it I came across this bit of interesting advice .. Never use a hedgehog as loo paper.

I thought that I might leave this book as the author obviously had some strange personal habits that I didn't want Bertrand picking up.

I mean who would use a hedgehog as toilet paper anyway. They do have this habit of annointing themselves just incase they forget who they are .. but, still .. you don't want to confuse them even further by making them think they are you.

Hmmm .. I thought that I could understand how this might happen .. maybe .. as people might get toilet brushes and toilet paper mixed up and I suppose hedgehogs do look a bit like toilet brushes. Maybe Mr Symonds is right to bring this up. Imagine going for an interview after making that mistake. How would you explain why you couldn't sit down.

Still, I thought Mr Symonds wasn't speaking to the majority of people as I'd never heard of this happening before. You might think that this is because I'm from Madagascar and that there mightn't be any hedgehogs there .. nut .. bo .. there is a close relation.


Anyway, when I got back to the flat I thought I'd Google about it and see what I could find.

And .. Oh .. My .. God!!!!!!!!



Be very, very careful.


Saturday 8 August 2009

good night again

I'm waiting for my nightcap to cool so that I can go to bed which means I should have about fifteen minutes before I'm a padding the paws to bed again.

Tonight I'm having a tea made from tulsis and green teas all in the same mug though not in the same bag as they don't make them like that yet. You can get boxes of tulsi to make your own blends with but I'm not sure about white tea.

Uncle John is busy knitting badgers for everyone. He was so pleased with the first one that he thought we could all have one for Christmouse. We're a little sad the surprize has gone but are really looking forward to getting our badgers.

Young Bertrand's heart is set on a compost heap for his badger so we'll have to see what we can do.

Anyway, off to bed now. I'm such a sleepy lemuure at the moment and must pad the sleepy paw paws to zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Friday 31 July 2009


I mearly always blog at the same time now. Goodnight blogging. Really I should blog about my day and other lemuures and what's going on in the world but I leave it so late that I don't have time to say much more than goodnightzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz because the tail and eyelids are all drooping and it's time to pad the paws to bed.

So .. again .. goodnightzzzzzzzz. Off to the land of dreamy dreams once I've drunk my tea.

Tuesday 28 July 2009


Jusr waiting for my tea to cool and then I'll be pottering the paws to bed again..

How sleepy am I. Tomorrow I'll be doing my new breathing exercises and the stretches and the meditation. It's all very slow cause of the pawly paw paws but, like the teas is very good for me.


Good morning to you who've padded the paws to bed. I guess someone has to get there first and it's never me though tonight I'm going to be earlier than I thought I'd be but not as early as I hoped I'd be.


Monday 27 July 2009


I wonder how many people heard snoring in their dreams last night. I didn't remember my dreams or wake up having been lulled through the night by the sound of my snoring. It's strange how peoples snoring can keep other people awake yet the person snoring can be totally oblivious to it.

Uncle John was over yesterday .. he'd heard that Bertrand was interested in the composing so I had to say no he was interested in composting not composing. Someone had told him that Bertrand had got upset because he wanted to compose but only had two tins of potatoes to knock together to try and make a tune. I told him that he'd got upset because he wanted a compost heap and he couldn't find one in the suppermarket.

He's going to make his own to try and attract a bodger for his birthday as they're interested in composting too.

Uncle John said he would try and knit a badger for Bertrand's birthday. He was going to make a glove puppet out of one of his socks but he'd try this instead and try to adapt a sock pattern into one for a badger.

We had a mug of tea and chatted for a while. I still haven't got him any aniseeds but gave him a liquorice teabag to take home. He;ll have a mug of it tonight and then save his teabag in the fridge for tomorrow morning to sweeten his breakfast cuppa.

Sunday 26 July 2009


Have popped in to say goodzzzzzznights. I've been a sleepy lemuure so'm looking forward to pottering the paws to the land of dreamy dreams. Someone asked me what do I dream about after reading about my dreams. I don't know I had to say because I don't remember my dreams but I've been told that I'm quite noisy laughing and a snoring. Both at the same time? I didn't think to ask. I wonder if you know you're snoring when you dream.

Imagine dreamung that ur flying through space exploring the stars and suddenly you hear this noise ............

Would you think it's the music of the galaxies or a planet whizzing past ur left ear hole. Or would you think My God so Mars is inhabited.

I don't remember my dreamies so I'll never know. Though that isn't quite true I do remember one here and there. So far I don't remember any snores.

I was going to write about something completely different but nevermind. It's time to finish the tea and pad the paws to bed/

Wednesday 22 July 2009

A trip to the suppermarket

Wot a day .. taking young Bertrand out on the town. We were a pottering through the suppermarket when he spots some flowers and I notice his lower jaw start to quiver and the snout start to tremble.

A loud .. LOUD .. yell catches everyone's attention!!!

Lemuure .. he yells .. I want a compost heap.

Ssssshhhh I say .. we'll talk about it later.

It seems I've said the wrong thing cause the next thing I hear is COMPOST COMPOST COMPOST .. Lemuure .. COMPOST.

So, I think .. I'll have to try a different attitude with a bit more attitude.

Give the snout a paw huggie this instant. We'll talk compost later.


I want compost.

You don't need any compost right now, I said

I might've known ... lol!!


It seemed like the suppermarket had come to a halt. No one was doing any shopping anymore. And you could see that they all loved little Bertrand and so could he.

The wail went up again.


What was I to do? It's not like I carry compost round with me in my rucksack. No hope of a three week old carrot lying at the bottom of my bag. Maybe a three week old Mars bar but I knew he wouldn't be fooled.

I looked in the bag and there was an apple. I took it out and handed it to him saying "Compost."

His eyes just got bigger and bigger and he took it yelling compost.

I said to him what do you say and he said "Thankyou compost"

I thought I'd leave it at that though I wasn't too happy about what his mum would think next time she gave him an apple.

Then he said "I'll save a bit of my compost heap for the badgers" If you want a badger for a pet you have to have compost heaps to attract them. I want a badger for my birthday.

I took him home and came back an hour later to get some supper for myself.

Tuesday 21 July 2009


Goodnight. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mumble zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snort grumble moan zzzzzzzzzzz hahahaha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snore snore SNORESNORESNORESNORESNORESNORE zzzzzzzzzzz hahahaha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Til tomorrow.

Monday 20 July 2009

good night zzzzz again

I'm in the middle of blogging but have to go to sleep now and I'm not a lemuure who can blog while asleep. Well, not as far as I know .. though I haven't checked so, if I have, it might be something that I never know about.

Not to worry.

Anyway, I'm off to wrap the tail around and drift off zzzzzzzzzzzz to the land of dreamy dreams.

Friday 17 July 2009

good night

Just a padding in to say goodnight lemuuries and folksies. Past time to pad the paws to bed so off I go.

The paws have just pawsed for a teeny, tiny little while because I've been studying and collecting the teas and Uncle John has been washing and sorting out his socks.

Goodnight for now.

Monday 13 July 2009


Just about to pad the paw diddley paw paws off to bed again. I had planned to have an early night but as usual things didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped .. though this time it was cause the tummy was getting ysed to being able to move a bit more. Slurping a mug of white tea down into that didn't seem to go down too well at all ... slosh slosh slosh .... ??????

But ... no .. everything settled down including my mug of tea.

So ... now it's time to pad the poorly paw paws to bed .. though not so poorly poor after all.

I had been doing the exercises earlier on astretching the tummy muscles and I think they might have worked a little .. which is good .. and the tea has stayed where it should ... which is good.

So off to bed now .. more tummy stretching tomorrow and more tea and we shall see what happens. Maybe the tummy will be better now that I've done my first lot of exercises .. it's a long time since the tummy has moved like that and it can still keep down the teas.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Off to bed (2)

I thought that I would get it all out of my system by writing about my bedpans on the brain. I thought that I'd be the first to cover this subject but bedpans are quite a popular subject though not on the brain. Though, really, this might not be the case .. maybe others have the same idea as mel

I thought if I wrote a book about my experiences .. though maybe not a self help book because that could make people feel worse.

What to do though. Analycysts is not for me. self help could make me worse, other people have already written about bedpans .. maybe there's not room for another book in the telling it all and letting it all outmarket though I'm told that this is very popular right now and hospital jokes are full of them so too late there too.

Is there nothing .. cownselling ? I really fancy past life regression .. Uncle John says that once I start I'll be there for years .. he's read all about it in The National Enquirer bcause I will get the transfurrence and won't want to leave.

Well, that sounds very like bedpans on the brain to me so we're back at the beginning again.

Off to sleep on it.


Good night

Uncle John has read Mr Freud's views on the collecting


and has decided that analcysts are not for him. I told him you could have them on the NHS but still he has decided to give it a miss, I think it might be cause he realized that everyone might want to come along. He likes to talk about his hobbies and I thought he might jump at the chance.

I expect when Mr Freud thought of the idea it was concidered really great. Uncle John says it's all the drugs he used to take. Mr Freud that is .. not Uncle John. And that everyone probably thought it was a bit strange then too but that they encouraged him cause then they could sit and talk about their collections of sock suspenders and mechanical otters.

I'm sleepy and need to think about tucking the tail around and going to sleep so good night.


I was tempted to go out and buy a cake for my new birthday but then remembered thst junk food is off the plate for now cause it certainly doesn't mix well with white tea in my tummy.

What tea can certainly cause the gurgles and I thought with my tummy and Uncle Johm's beet juice we were certainly becoming very alternative. I do sometimes drink the beet juice myself too.

Lemuures have known about the herbals for a long time .. sometimes it has been other folk that have led people to herbal medicines like osha root or bear root as it's sometimes called. Bears were seen eating it when they came out of hibernation so people decided to try it too

Cakes and cakes and muure cakes

I'm not just a blogging lemuure but belong to other sites too where it's not all blogging.

I logged on to one of them this morning and it was cakes everywhere. Pink sploddgey cakes with no fruits . I hope people won't want them back when I tell them ... it's not my birthday for another six months or so. I have the Christmas birthdays which people forget because it's christmas but now everyone is remembering when it isn't.

Happy early birthday to me ..

Saturday 11 July 2009

Off to zzzzzzzzzzzzz

And padding the paws back to the land of dreamy dreams again .. to zzzzzzzzzzzzz snore zzzzzzzzz and snore 'n' snore. I wrap the tail around and rest the snout on the paws and slowly driftzzzzzzzzzzazzzzwzzzzazzzzzy.

In the morning I never know whether I'll wake before the alarm clock or not .. usually it's me but sometimes brrr brrr brrrrrrrr .. tring tring tring .. eeeeekkkkkkkK!!!!!!!!!! .. it's the alarm clock. It just gets more and more persistant if you don't wake up STRAIGHT AWAY.

Which I usually do ... sigh.

Anyway off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

So ... gud night and gud morning to all you who're already in bed or good arvo, good evening if ur living somewhere else but good night when you do pad the paws to the land of dreamy dreams.

Will I dream of ice yoghurt cakes .. a sinking the paws into the slushies and searching for grapes or waiting patiently for the iced yogurt to melt so that I could reach the grapes further down.

Anyway off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Pad pad poddily pad pad pad

I padded the paws off to bed with out saying goodnights last night. Too late as usual.

So I'm half zzzzzzzing on the paws today. The tail is wrapped around the ears. Never mind though, it looks as if it might rain soon and if I go out that should soon wake me up.

Maybe I'm recovering from the bedpans .. but how good are they when you're in the hospital. You can have the wheelchairs too to go here and there instead of having to pad the paws .. though they don't seem to have the ones you can drive yourself .. you could zoom around the ward and corridors even if you couldn't pad the paws. Instead they have ones where you sit in them being very careful of the tail .. best to curl it round the tummy or the person driving the wheelchair mightn't be able to see where they're going .

Anyway. I have to pad the paws now .. slowly .. pad zzzz pad zzzz pad pad pad.

Friday 10 July 2009

Gud afternoon

I slept in this morning .. had a long zzzzzzzzzz last night .. first for quite some time. I didn't have my alarm clock on .. that usually doesn't matter as I wake up before it but this morning I slept in about an hour after it would've gone off.

I think this cold might have come to an end. Last night I thought .. is this going to be a grotty snoutty cold but no, it seems to be coming to an end .. maybe that's why I had the looooong sleep.

Now, I'm going to take my next pillies and have something to eat and have a cup of the alternative teas.

Thursday 9 July 2009

The birthday party

Earlier this year some lemuures at Edinburgh zoo helped celebrate the zooz 100th birthday by eating a cake made out of ice and yogurt and fruit. I was hoping we could see how they managed the cake after the top layer of fruit went .. but I expect they had to wait til it started to melt to find more fruit.

The lemuures are about half way through


And five photos


I have never seen an ice cake before .. an ice cream cake and icing on a cake .. but never an ice cake.


Well, we're not going for treatments at all. Uncle John is sorting through his odd socks to find a suitable one to do a Michael Jackson tribute with. It turns out that it was Mr Jackson that gave him the idea in the first place though he used a glove instead of a sock.

I suggested that he could sew a few sequins on it when he finds the right one and if he liked to sequin two socks maybe we could do a tribute together .. or even have everyone join in .. after all he does have quite a few socks.

I've been doing a bit of tidying up and out today and am feeling very zzzzzzzzzzzy already and it's only afternoon so I think I might have a bit of a nap.

Not a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz but a zzzzzzzzz

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Beet juice

I had so much to blog about .. well, I still do .. but it might take days and days of time.

It's almost time to pad the sleepy paws to bed again. zzzzzzzzzzz .. and if I start telling you about things this side of the blogosphere I'll be here for a long, long time and it could be almost time to get up again before I'd hardly wrapped the tail around.

Uncle John is happy though being so alternatively alternative with his teas and beetroot juices .. though he did think that I sgould have mentioned what the beets can do .. but how could I when I was self helping.

It is true what they say though


I was unhappy because I couldn't tell Uncle John that his bed pan would be pink if he drank the beet juice and I was worried that he'd be calling the doctor out in the middle of the night.

Do I have the low esteems then and this is why I was unhappy that I didn't tell Uncle John about the beet juice.

If I had the high esteems would I have been happy

Freudian analcysts are so hard to understand especially the retentions .. but I suppose if everyone has those it doesn't matter .. though maybe this is why they have so many analcysts.

I wonder what Mr Freud would have made of it if I'd collected bedpans .. it doesn't sound very retentive to me then I'm not a psychiatrist. .

Problems .. problems!!!

But that is what he was there for.

Anyway a pottering to bed.


I'm sooooooooooo sleepy.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Self help

Uncle John enjoyed his beet juice .. he is really alternative now cause he has the p.p .. can I describe it as anything else as I am doing the self helps now.

I would love to have the regressions but Uncle John says it's not needed for bedpans on the brain. Instead I'm doing the mantras .. mine is "I will soon have cleared the bedpans from me brain" .. I repeat this five times in the morning and five times in the evening while doing the meditations.


I will always have the grapefulness for the hostpitals though.

Monday 6 July 2009

Group analysists

Ah, the hospitals, eh .. full of strange things like bedpans and commodes and injections and pills and lots of people to look after you .. peoples to clean the ward and stop the infections and people to do the dinners and breakfasts and people to take you to the x rays.

I cannot let go though I haven't been around the wardies for a long time stuck in the bed unable to leave.

But Uncle John thinks I don't need the Freudians which was rather disappointing as I'd phoned up to find out if we could have joint analcysts together today.

The lemuure on the end of the phone didn't understand to start off with but I told her that we needed the Freudians and that I'd been reading up on it last night I had bedpans on the brain and Uncle John had the anal retentions and we needed analcysts. After reading some of Mr Freuds ideas I was sure things would soon get better.

He said if you have the analcysts you need to see a doctor. I said .. we need the analcysts that's the trouble we don't have them. I thought that you did.

He asked me to explain it all .. so I did. I didn't need to go to a doctor or a hostpital but to have past life regressions. It was hospitals which had given me bedpans on the brain because I couldn't let go.

So could I have analcysts please. I had heard that everyone wants this in America and you just talk about your life and then you can understand everything you do. I also explained that Uncle John needed it too as Mr Freud had said he did cause he collected things .. though I had to say that I thought Mr Freud might've been wrong there because everyone I knew collected something. Perhaps we could all come along at once though.

He said that the analcysts were private and confidential. Only one person a talking at a time then .. I thought maybe we could have a job lot as most of us would be there for the same thing .. well, all of us really as far as the collecting went.

The lemuure at the other end of the phone said could I call back tomorrow.

Then I pottered round to see Uncle John who said he didn't really think we needed to have the group regressions. I said that I had thought it rather strange that he was treating people for collecting cause everyone I knew collected something. Uncle John said he expected there was a very long waiting list for the collecting therapies because everyone would want to go. I had to say too that he didn't seem very interested in bedpans on the brain from what I'd read anyway but I had asked if they could fit the whole group in and I was going to phone back tomorrow to see what they said .. but, really I was starting to think that I was barking up the wrong tree.

So, we don't have a problem. I would tell the man tomorrow. Uncle John said that I just needed to forget about the bedpans however wonderful they and the hospital were.

So, I thought it best not to tell him about the colourful effects of the beet juice I'd just given him and pottered off home.

Sunday 5 July 2009

ZZZzzZZZZZ good night

I was going to write the bloggings today but had other things to do and now it's time for bed so I have to potter the paws to the land of dreamy dreams and wrap the tail around.

It's almost midnight and an hour past a certain lenuure's bedtime so I have to go without doing all the bloggings that are in my head.

Oh, not bedpans again lemuure I know you stink. Well, yes. I haven't been for the analyizing yet. I have not found an analicyst like the Mr Freud with is anal retentiveness but I am still looking.

The trouble is I'm not sure it is me who really needs the analycysts.


Because it's Uncle John who likes to collect things .. even though I might have bedpans on the brain.

Maybe we should go together. I don't think he's ever been to an analycyst before and I think we might find it fun. We can hold each other's paws if we have to do past lives regressions. Well, you never know what you might find out so it's always good to have someone else around.

But for now I have to go to bed.

So Gud night.


I'll have to tell you what I was going to another time.


Friday 3 July 2009


Wasn't quite so chippermonk to start the day today as I was yesterday. But have picked up a bit now. I think the heat is slowing me down a bit. But, nevermind .. it's nice to have summery days.

I still don't seem to be anywhere near as ill as I was with the colds .. I know that I've got one but it just doesn't seem to be as bad as they all were during this year's run up to the teas. How I wish I'd been drinking tea alternatively before .. but, never mind better late than never.

Anyway, time to potter off. Though I might do some meditation or have a little doze before I go ... zzzz

Thursday 2 July 2009

Flooshing out the bad and/or the goods

The next thing I had to worry about with the herbals was ... YIKES .. if the alternative teas were antibacterial .. and WE ALL know what they say about the antibacterials don't we!!!???? Not only do they get rid of the bad bacterias like the ones that cause pneumonia but they also flooosh out the good ones too for some reason or other.

Why they do this I have no idea.

So, I thought .. if the teas were going to be alternative and flooosh would they be floooshing correctly?

Where should I look to find out about floooshing. I first thought about the lavoratories where the hippies are a testing the barks .. I know that they would know all about the floooshing because they do a lot of that in the lavs or so I have heard so they would be experts.

But, which lav to phone up. Again, I do not know though perhaps another scientific lemuure might. I might ask around.

But, from what I do know .. is that the herbal healing herbs only flooosh out the dangerous bacterias and there is no floooshing of the good ones.

Again, why this is I do not know. How can they tell which bacteria is a bad bacteria and which is a good one that should stay. Infact I'm lead to believe that some alternatives not only flooosh the bad ones but can also encourage the good ones to grow.

They are the helpers.

This could be because the plants have the anti-bacterias to help them .. though I did have to ask myself if plants can get pneumonia .. I thought not .. but maybe I am wrong!!! Maybe it dates back a long, long, long, long, long time though and maybe once ur tea had to fight off the pneumonias.

Again the scientists would be able to shine a light on this. There must be a paper written on pneumonia in tea. Whatever .. the very young buds, unprocessed are able to help do it now it seems.

If they were there to help the plants maybe they wouldn't be programmed to affect the good bacteriums either.

Though I have to ask myself why the antibacterials made in the lavs don't behave like this too.

I will have to find out.

Maybe with the foo a coming it would be a good idea to eats good bacterias but I do not know if they sell bacteria in shops .. even good ones. My gosh .. how alternative that would be. They could then live in your tummy and help with the floooshing of the bad ones. Maybe when I go to the health shop I will ask for 100g of good bacterias please.

I needs them for the tummy floooshing.

But, anyway, it appears that the herbals are not a floooshing the good bacterias .. just some of the bad ones.

Wednesday 1 July 2009


Lots of people have problems with green tea .. and others have beaten me to it and actually upchucked.

I can't believe that others have managed to upchuck while I have kept it all down.

And I'm on the steroids and highish dose ibuprofen which could mean if anyone is gonna upchuck I should!!! I'm going to have another go very soon .. lol!!! Wish me luck ... whether to keep it down or up I don't know.


Only joking.

I think I want to keep it down really .. I did have a very slight slosh this afternoon and I knew where I wanted it to be.

Why take the trouble to drink it if you just want it to come back up again!!!

I know some people do this when they go out for the night a green teaing .. but, I think to myself what a waste.

Happily .. so far so good!!!!

By, that I mean there are no tummy gurgles


Only joking

Are they milking it!!!!

I'm just sitting here waiting to see what happens. I forgot to put extra tumeric in my tea so that will have to wait.

I've just read someone saying how much liquorice helped her and her mum though .. cold symptoms cleared up very quickly .. just like what appeared to be an infection dried up within an hour with the manuka honey that time.

I'm not really expecting the cuppa to do the trick to be honest .. but the white and green teas might have more of an effect. I'm not really that sure if it's that relevant ... joking apart ,, whether there's milk in the tea or not. I do know that milk can prevent chemicals being absorbed .. so, if there's any question at all, I'd leave it out.

I think most calcium tablets would be ok with my bone sparing pill ... but I take it the ones I were prescribed at the hospital must've been dairy ones .. they aren't the ones you buy with the calcium pills in the chemist so I haven't checked and I've taking some now which aren't .. but I still take them later .. better to be safe than sorry.

And, until I know it's really sorted out for good I wouldn't risk it. Just like I wouldn't risk it with my Sunday pill!!!!

Anyway sadly we'll never know about Mr Cleese and his cuppa but if a cuppa tea is a good addition to the herbal kit I'll go for it.


Also .. my auto immune illness doesn't seem to be getting worse even with the liquorice tea being stopped .. it hasn't reversed .. maybe it's not getting any better .. but it hasn't reversed .. I have ways of telling this ... yuk!!!


They will be sending tests to the lavs soon to see just how things are progressing. It'll be interesting to see if things change from having my meds reduced if this'll effect what appears to have happened from bathing my throat with liquorice tea.

Ah, the things you have to go through to be an alternative tea drinking scientific lemuure.

Anyone like to have the blood test for me.

Round and round and riound we go!!!

T.. leave the milk out!!!


There are, though, conflicting viewpoints about how much milk affects the tea leaves whether you should leaves it in or not!!!!

I would say leave it in in the cuppa but leave it out in the green and white teas if you have a couple a day to help with the heart. Milk isn't usually added to these teas anyway .. though maybe it should be to help the tummy!!!!

This is what I mean .. one day they say eat ur porridge with the salt the next day with the sugar!!!

I think it's probably best to drink ur green and white teas without the milk.

Tomorrow we'll probably be told to drink our tea without the tea!!! lol!!! And then what would an alternative tea drinker do.

How am I getting on with the colds and the teas.

I have to say that the liquorice tea does appear more affective than the cuppas and related teas. I'm still much better, there's no doubt about that .. but there are little symptoms coming through that weren't there with the liquorice tea .

Also a couple of symptoms I thought might be down to the tea have turned out to be due to my illness .. I'd been ill with the colds for so long that I'd forgotten .. lol!!! The liquorice/garlic/ginger/star anise mixture is great .. but this is doing a lot of good too .. the only symptoms that have come through ares very slightly wet eyes and a slightly upset tummy with a cold .. but the wet eyes could actually be the heat .. I'll have to wait until the heat cools off a bit .. or down to the withdrawal from the cellcept. I'm slightly sniffly too ofcourse but that is all. I had an upset tum in the morning while I was drinking the liquorice tea too from the colds .. up and down with what normally would be the severity of the colds. It was this that used to be the worst of it all. It became bearable two days after starting the teas. I thought I had an allergy .. looks like I just need to get used to them. My reaction to the white tea wasn't good!!! lol!!! gurgle .. gurgle .. but only lasted a little while .. seemed to be my stomach's reaction to the tea rather than a while system one .. the rest of me didn't feel worse .. and the next drink was a lot better.

I gave up on the green tea because of the initial tummy responses .. I felt bad the next couple of times after the first drink too .. though not quite as bad. I thoug

I think the mixture might be boosting pain relief in some areas too to do with bone and muscle though not nerve pain!!!

This is without milk .. lol!!!

There are conflicting reports .. I don't know if there could be other elements at play here too .. but I'm not putting milk in. It affected me badly with the meds I'm on once and I don't think I'll risk it again at the present level of research to be honest. Infact .. I'm having cups away from dairy produce altogether .. which has been a nuisance .. even as an almost vegan!!!!but there you go!!! I'm wondering if that has been the difference in effect that I noticed but didn't check to see what I was doing that was different. Just thought it was me!!!

But .. something in the mix I'm taking is still affecting my colds .. not as well as the liquorice tea mixture did .. but it's still happening!!! My eyes were slightly wet this morning though. I was going to dive for a liquorice tea .. but I'll hang on .. unless it gets worse. Then I'll drink a liquorice one.

I'm still on a hefty dose of immune suppresant meds so my immune system is still way under par .. both from the corticosteroids and the cellcept. So I should still be getting colds .. but will have a better chance of fighting them off now ... I hope.

Anyway .. that's what I'm going to do ... white tea with no milk .. some tummeric .. the 3 ginger tea bags are quite nice and holland and B does one too .. though ofcourse there's probably a wider selection on the web .. or just add your own tumeric and make a tea.

I'm going to do a bit more testing with the liquorice tea .. but in a couple of weeks .. unless this cold gets worse .. and I do have one .. just am not that bad with it. At all.

My tummy was a little upset but about 15 mins after I'd had me breakfast me white tea mixture amd about 5 lumps of crystalized ginger it'd cleared up .. though I did have a slight initial response to the white tea .. think I'm always going to .. but nothing like the original one .. I'm still surprized that stayed down. You could actually hear the gurgles and a slightly sloshing sound .. worse with the white than the green I have to say .. but neither actually made me sick .. just noisy and feeling that way.

I was such an ill lemuure before .. I could do some bloggings but not much on the whole .. and becoming an alternative tea lemuure has made things so much better.

I would like to have another liquorice tea now .. but I will leave it .. unless the cold gets very noticeably worse.

But by now I'd normally expect to be thinking swiss clinic thoughts because the mornings were so bad .. about 2/3 days into new cold symptoms getting worse .. and eyewise that's where I am .. will see what tomorrow's like.

To tea or not to tea!!! That is the question

And whether to leave adding milk to the leaves or eating the daries with the teas. Like with the pillies I'll leave any dairies for half an hour and take my calcium supplements about an hour after a drink of tea.

Monday 29 June 2009


I've just had my night time tea and it's too late to say anything more than goodnifght now.

So. goddnight people.


Good afternoon

I wonder if Uncle John would like to do the bloggings now and then?? !! ?? ????? He has the hobbies and I'm sure would like to tell other people how they're coming along. After all this is a blogging lemuures blog and I am just a blogging lemuur.

He likes to collect odd socks and has a wonderful collection that he likes to wear on special occasions. He's certainly not a two sock lemuure when he pads the paws.

He'll often ask people if the washing machine has lost any socks lately. I think lots of people save their odd socks for him just to see the expression of pure wonder cross his face.

Anyway, he likes to have hobbies and maybe he'd like to have a new one. Think I'll ask him.

I can't say that it's been hard work keeping the blog up to date .. because I haven't been blogging .. but if I ask him maybe I won't have to find out. Yes, I'll ask him.

And, maybe others.

It's a nice day here .. very warm so remember to drink enough liquid,

Even the cold teas are fine,

Tea is good for you and does not dehydrate


Sunday 28 June 2009

Good night

Just a pottering in to say good night so that no one thinks I've left the blogosphere again for a few more months rest.

Will be back again today after a night in the dreamy dreams. See you today.

Saturday 27 June 2009


I'm padding the paws in to say goodnight ... goodzzzzzzzzzz goodzzzzzzzzz. Sometimes the poorly paws are just too pawly to blog a lot though I didn't mean to be a non blogging lemuure for so long. I don't know why I was really .. I could've padded the paws in to say good night and good evening and good day and good morning .. well, ewe know how the paws are padded. I could have looked in to say hello.

Ofcourse I'm not the only blogging lemuure on the web .. some of us you can tell straight away cause we let you know though we sometimes disguise ourselves in the fotos so that we stay anonymouse as u might've noticed .. but others .. well .. you just have to guess, Is this blogger a lemuure? Or is that blogger a lemuure? This one or that one or that one or this.

Sometimes I get confused myself.

So good morning everyone it's the ams now and time to turn in. Good mornings in the night and good nights in the morning. Which I don't mind and does it matter. When is it night and when is it morning.

I hope thinking that doesn't keep me awake all night now or is it half the morning. Hmmmmmmm .. pass me the chamomile tea please or did Uncle John have the last one when he popped in to get his nightcap.

Ah, no ... there're plenty left and he's left a sachet of the hot chocooolate in return .. now which one shall I have?

I think I'll just potter the paws to bed and save the hot chocooolate for breakfast.

Good zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

There are lots of us about

Well, Uncle John wasn't the happies of lemuurijins when I explained to him that the liquorice tea was for medicinal purposes only .. he likes liquorice. I had to tell him that the liquorice he likes to get the teeth stuck too was really aniseedorice so that lemuures like him can eat as much as they like without feeling a bit pawly.

Thinking about the amounts he's been known to aim at the snout it's just as well. Maybe we can find him some aniseed tea for recreational purposes.

I told him that it wasn't necessary to test the barks if you didn't want to and that the hippies had discovered the aspirins in the trees a long time ago in previous centuries of bark testing. These days they do all the scientific testing in the lavs where there's plenty of water.

He said he thought as much. This is the 21st century.

And pottered off carrying six of the ginger and lemon teabags.

Friday 26 June 2009


I am now an alternative tea drinking lemuure drinking my tea in an alternative way and drinking alternative tea. I didn't really drink tea before unless someone offered me a cup .. oh, u skimpflint u Lemuure I can hear ewe's saying too skimpy to buys ur own tealeaves.

But, no it was more that I liked the tap water and sometimes the dieting coka colas. Now I drink the teas as medicine and can be an alternative lemuure. Do you ever drink ur tea as just a drink Lemuure you might ask .. well, yes and no .. I have no PG Tippings or anything like that .. I haven't even been tempted to see if Tesco make a tea as nice as their thick and creamy tomato soup .. you never know .. if they do make the teas I'm sure I might be very tempted after drinking their lovely soup.

But, at the moment, I'm drinking tea as medicine the alternative way .. in a mug and as medicine.

Uncle John says the hippies have taken over the lavs a brewing their teas. If you let them in the lavoratories they'll be there a brewing up all this old fangled stuff. Next thing you know they'll be thinking that chewing bark can help ease pain. He knows that when the hippies were hugging trees they were really testing barks for teas.

I don't think he really approves of my alternative tea drinking but I think I might win him round in the end as I noticed he was taking a peek at my lemon and ginger teabags. Maybe he'll be out there a testing the barks himself soon.

Tuesday 2 June 2009


Padded the paws to the horsepital today .. too late for the roobarb crumblies though in the canteen. Best thing to do is to arrive early for late appointments I suppose so that u can check out the menu fer the day. Though maybe if you phoned up they would tell you if it was worth coming in early .. you know .. if they had the eggy flans or the roobarb crumbles in the canteen.

It's difficult to know quite what to do. I don't think they'd mind if you phoned up and asked what was for dinner that day so that you could decide whether to get there before the canteen had closed.

Not to worry though .. another day another roobarb crumblie (with coostard).

I'm rather a sleepy lemuure this evening .. probably lack of roobarb crumblie .. STOP THINKING ABOUT ROOBARB Lemuure


Perhaps I will buy a tin of the roobarbs tomorrow and put some crumbs of bread on them. Would that be white or brown breads I wonder. And make my own roobarb crumblies. I think you grates the bread up with a cheese grater and then piit the roobarbs and juices from the tin .. not too much juice though .. and then put ur grated bread crumbs on top and put it in the oven to heat up. You can buy roobarb crumblies already made but this way you get to choose how much roobarb you have in ur roobarb crumblie .. they seem to think that you prefer lots of crumbs and not much roobarb .. I like lots of roobarb as well as lots of custard. Maybe you could just put squares of bread on the roobarb if you're not really into bread grating just like they do in the bread puddings. It saves time too. Though it's not really a crumblie then .. but I guess I don't mind cause I like the roobarb and custard best but do like a bit of bread cooked with it.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


Yeah, probably better for me sleeping like this to be honest .. if I sleep for a long stretch it's difficult sorting meself out in the mornings .. sitting up is better too.

Dad used to sleep without going to bed when he was very ill and he was ok. My mouth is very sore at the moment .. mixture of the auto immume illness and catching colds .. someone said to try alum crystals because they'd always worked for them .. seems they're a thing of the past now though .. or, you can't get them here anyway. I thought that chemist on Warwick might stock them .. but they said they can't get them now so I guess that's pretty much all over. Boots didn't have them either.

There u r then .. I can't try them.

Still haven't got into my book .. lol!!! Not that interested I guess. Oh. well .. one day maybe. I thought when I bought it that it wasn't really a title that interested me .. and looks as if I'm right. I've felt quite ill the last month though and that's probably got something to do with it. Probably just about to come down with a cold too as there's been a bit of in car sneezing going on. Still there u go.

Not to worry.

I have got a cold though .. which, might, after today, be two colds .. but the cold I've got at the moment hasn't been too bad .. which is good cause I'd been feeling so lousy after the "6 day" bug .. it was like I couldn't get over it .. even though it'd gone. I just felt so lousy .. I've got another cold now ..hoping it's the same one as the car cold .. yet haven't felt that much worse. Well, not worse .. it's strange .. I've got a cold but I feel better than I did a week ago though I can feel the effects if the cold. Hopefully, this one's on it's way out.

Got me beans today .. will try making those meals I used to do. Will make sure I drink enough water too .. maybe a little too much diet cola has been going down the hatch .. not a good idea with the auto immune illness either. I was hoping to increase the effects of the pain meds with the caffeine in the coke .. but guess a cup of coffee would do just as well .. think the coke might be a bit heavy on the mucous membranes in my mouth.

I do need to look after myself a bit better .. and have started .. it's the flu that's got me moving I guess .. it reminded me about herbal treatments and that's started me thinking about other things too.

I haven't been bleeding quite so much the last few days .. the pain has been pretty bad though but you just have to keep plodding on .. I'm not worried about the flu .. if my time has come .. then it has .. and it could be, that, for me, it's better that it has than to keep on struggling this way. It'd be nice to feel a bit better though while I am still here.

And, maybe, some of that is up to me .. maybe not .. just have to see.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

continued ..................

I suppose if I was the blogging advice lemuure I would have the trouble answering this one. Some lenuures just have the insecurities ... maybe they have been hurt in the past so tie their partners to the tail but this shouldn't mean they can't enjoy a joke with other people of the opposite gender.

I look at it this way .. what if were the bisexuals then you could never laugh at anyone's jokes cause ur partner would't like it and everyone would think that was unfair so if ur bisexualities are allowed to laugh at all their friends jokes so can everyone else. Problem solved.

Just to be friends isn't wrong and sometimes to be tied too tightly to the tail can make people feel like breaking out in spots they hadn't thought of before. And let ur partner know that is all it is .. just the friendly friendship.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Back again

Hello. You might've notice that I've been gone ... though not as far gone as you might've thought. A pottering here and a pottering there. Though always thinking of this place on the internetties.

I was over on the net areading the dating tips .. which can be very useful to pass on sometimes ... as I did yesterday ... though this is the first time I've mentioned this as I only found out about it this evening .. and isn't something that's come up in conversation ................ yet!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a very short tip and obviously not a very important one ... never call someone else's boy/girl friend funny names .. like if his/her name is Nigel ... just never, never, never call him/her niggle or wiggle, or even worse wigglyniggle when u r scampering up and down the trees and having a good time.

Because if s/he laughs so much that s/he falls off the tree his/her boy/girl friend'll never talk to u again because s/he'll think ur having more fun than s/he does.

To be honest I thought this a bit strange as did everyone else ... but if something like this happens and ur wondering why the new girl/boy friend suddenly ostrichsizes u it's because s/he thinks u're trying to show that s/he has more fun with his/her friends than s/he does with him/her.

Well, maybe this is the friendship information rather than about dating ... but it's relevent to the dating .. if ur boy/girlfriend suddenly reacts this way in this situation.

Just thought I'd pass that on. Now it's time for my cup of soup and then off to bed.

Friday 9 January 2009

A quik visit to the docs.

Pottered the paws down to the docs this evening .. I had to potter fast .. as fast as the paws could plod. luckily i got there on time though it did worry me on the way down because I was very late leaving and didn't think that I would make it because it was still that time of evening where the roads are busy and i had to wait to cross nearly every road. Still I was a good lemuure and waiting until the road was clear .. looking this way towards where the traffic was coming from nearest me on my side of the road .. then looking the other way .. and then the first way again .. over and over and over til it was safe to pad the paws to the other side.

There were no little green men to help me across the road this time.

Even with all this I got there with over five minutes to spare ... and on the way back I just took my time a padding through the streets. It was cold .. but not toooooo cold.

And, now, as usual, I'm going to potter to the kithen and get some diner.

Thursday 8 January 2009


This is what happens when you are behind with the news ...........

One moment while I pad the paws off to put the oven on and get a mug of soup.

I don't know how many of you remember the baby lemuure who was abandoned by his mum because he was born quite a few weeks before he should have been and she became frightened because she didn't know what to do with such a tiny, tiny lemuure.

The family live in a wildlife park in Scotland.




Gollum has a new name now that he's back with mum .. Leonardo. At eight months old he likes to give his mum a cuddle because they are very, very happy to be back together. I think at eight months old he is a trifle heavy to be hoping for a lift around the park. He seems to be looking hopeful in this photo though but he must now pad his own paws around the park himself even though he missed out on his mum carrying him when he was younger. Usually ringtail pups have to pad their own paws around the place when they are about three months old.

And, yes, ringtail babeees are sometimes called pups and we purrrrrr like puddly cats when we are happy and we can meow as well but then us ringtails are also known as lemur catta .... puuuurrrrrrr ... lol!!! I wonder if this could be why. puuuurrrrrrrr.

Well, I have to pad the paws to the land of dreamy dreams again because i'm not really a nocturnal lemuure so it really is time for me to turn in.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

I am not, not, not a lemuure bot, bot, bot ke5Tqr

What to do?????!!!!!!?????? Do I report an error to Blogger command that wasn't an error even though they said it was and that I should report it .. giving me lots of letters and numbers I could send them so that they would know that I wasn't a lemure bot.

Still I guess it's not really a problem if they think I'm a botty lemure or not cause the only error I have to report is that there wasn't one until they thought there was .. though ofcourse because they think there is and there isn't .. there is one now.

I suppose I should report this error that isn't but which is now differently .. so to speak.


(a blogging lemuure)