Saturday 27 June 2009


I'm padding the paws in to say goodnight ... goodzzzzzzzzzz goodzzzzzzzzz. Sometimes the poorly paws are just too pawly to blog a lot though I didn't mean to be a non blogging lemuure for so long. I don't know why I was really .. I could've padded the paws in to say good night and good evening and good day and good morning .. well, ewe know how the paws are padded. I could have looked in to say hello.

Ofcourse I'm not the only blogging lemuure on the web .. some of us you can tell straight away cause we let you know though we sometimes disguise ourselves in the fotos so that we stay anonymouse as u might've noticed .. but others .. well .. you just have to guess, Is this blogger a lemuure? Or is that blogger a lemuure? This one or that one or that one or this.

Sometimes I get confused myself.

So good morning everyone it's the ams now and time to turn in. Good mornings in the night and good nights in the morning. Which I don't mind and does it matter. When is it night and when is it morning.

I hope thinking that doesn't keep me awake all night now or is it half the morning. Hmmmmmmm .. pass me the chamomile tea please or did Uncle John have the last one when he popped in to get his nightcap.

Ah, no ... there're plenty left and he's left a sachet of the hot chocooolate in return .. now which one shall I have?

I think I'll just potter the paws to bed and save the hot chocooolate for breakfast.

Good zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz