Monday 13 July 2009


Just about to pad the paw diddley paw paws off to bed again. I had planned to have an early night but as usual things didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped .. though this time it was cause the tummy was getting ysed to being able to move a bit more. Slurping a mug of white tea down into that didn't seem to go down too well at all ... slosh slosh slosh .... ??????

But ... no .. everything settled down including my mug of tea.

So ... now it's time to pad the poorly paw paws to bed .. though not so poorly poor after all.

I had been doing the exercises earlier on astretching the tummy muscles and I think they might have worked a little .. which is good .. and the tea has stayed where it should ... which is good.

So off to bed now .. more tummy stretching tomorrow and more tea and we shall see what happens. Maybe the tummy will be better now that I've done my first lot of exercises .. it's a long time since the tummy has moved like that and it can still keep down the teas.