Wednesday 1 July 2009

Round and round and riound we go!!!

T.. leave the milk out!!!

There are, though, conflicting viewpoints about how much milk affects the tea leaves whether you should leaves it in or not!!!!

I would say leave it in in the cuppa but leave it out in the green and white teas if you have a couple a day to help with the heart. Milk isn't usually added to these teas anyway .. though maybe it should be to help the tummy!!!!

This is what I mean .. one day they say eat ur porridge with the salt the next day with the sugar!!!

I think it's probably best to drink ur green and white teas without the milk.

Tomorrow we'll probably be told to drink our tea without the tea!!! lol!!! And then what would an alternative tea drinker do.

How am I getting on with the colds and the teas.

I have to say that the liquorice tea does appear more affective than the cuppas and related teas. I'm still much better, there's no doubt about that .. but there are little symptoms coming through that weren't there with the liquorice tea .

Also a couple of symptoms I thought might be down to the tea have turned out to be due to my illness .. I'd been ill with the colds for so long that I'd forgotten .. lol!!! The liquorice/garlic/ginger/star anise mixture is great .. but this is doing a lot of good too .. the only symptoms that have come through ares very slightly wet eyes and a slightly upset tummy with a cold .. but the wet eyes could actually be the heat .. I'll have to wait until the heat cools off a bit .. or down to the withdrawal from the cellcept. I'm slightly sniffly too ofcourse but that is all. I had an upset tum in the morning while I was drinking the liquorice tea too from the colds .. up and down with what normally would be the severity of the colds. It was this that used to be the worst of it all. It became bearable two days after starting the teas. I thought I had an allergy .. looks like I just need to get used to them. My reaction to the white tea wasn't good!!! lol!!! gurgle .. gurgle .. but only lasted a little while .. seemed to be my stomach's reaction to the tea rather than a while system one .. the rest of me didn't feel worse .. and the next drink was a lot better.

I gave up on the green tea because of the initial tummy responses .. I felt bad the next couple of times after the first drink too .. though not quite as bad. I thoug

I think the mixture might be boosting pain relief in some areas too to do with bone and muscle though not nerve pain!!!

This is without milk .. lol!!!

There are conflicting reports .. I don't know if there could be other elements at play here too .. but I'm not putting milk in. It affected me badly with the meds I'm on once and I don't think I'll risk it again at the present level of research to be honest. Infact .. I'm having cups away from dairy produce altogether .. which has been a nuisance .. even as an almost vegan!!!!but there you go!!! I'm wondering if that has been the difference in effect that I noticed but didn't check to see what I was doing that was different. Just thought it was me!!!

But .. something in the mix I'm taking is still affecting my colds .. not as well as the liquorice tea mixture did .. but it's still happening!!! My eyes were slightly wet this morning though. I was going to dive for a liquorice tea .. but I'll hang on .. unless it gets worse. Then I'll drink a liquorice one.

I'm still on a hefty dose of immune suppresant meds so my immune system is still way under par .. both from the corticosteroids and the cellcept. So I should still be getting colds .. but will have a better chance of fighting them off now ... I hope.

Anyway .. that's what I'm going to do ... white tea with no milk .. some tummeric .. the 3 ginger tea bags are quite nice and holland and B does one too .. though ofcourse there's probably a wider selection on the web .. or just add your own tumeric and make a tea.

I'm going to do a bit more testing with the liquorice tea .. but in a couple of weeks .. unless this cold gets worse .. and I do have one .. just am not that bad with it. At all.

My tummy was a little upset but about 15 mins after I'd had me breakfast me white tea mixture amd about 5 lumps of crystalized ginger it'd cleared up .. though I did have a slight initial response to the white tea .. think I'm always going to .. but nothing like the original one .. I'm still surprized that stayed down. You could actually hear the gurgles and a slightly sloshing sound .. worse with the white than the green I have to say .. but neither actually made me sick .. just noisy and feeling that way.

I was such an ill lemuure before .. I could do some bloggings but not much on the whole .. and becoming an alternative tea lemuure has made things so much better.

I would like to have another liquorice tea now .. but I will leave it .. unless the cold gets very noticeably worse.

But by now I'd normally expect to be thinking swiss clinic thoughts because the mornings were so bad .. about 2/3 days into new cold symptoms getting worse .. and eyewise that's where I am .. will see what tomorrow's like.

To tea or not to tea!!! That is the question

And whether to leave adding milk to the leaves or eating the daries with the teas. Like with the pillies I'll leave any dairies for half an hour and take my calcium supplements about an hour after a drink of tea.