Friday 14 August 2009

Learn what to do about the flu!!!!

Off to bed soon .. waiting for me tea to cool again. Hoping that a little non nose picking won't set evolution back too far while we wait for the flu ro go.

I suppose lemuures should bring out a video game based on evolution and nose picking and the flu. Too late now I suppose .. but The Netherlands has brought out a video game to help people understand the flu .. as far as I know there aren't any cameras up nostrils or anything like that .. but then I haven't really played it yet.

Here it is for those who want to know how far up the nose it goes in its investigation of the fnu fnu. There's another one after this and then a simple little catch your sneeze and wash your hands game.

Another flu game to help understand how flu mutates and the problems it cases is here

Catch ur sneezes .. wash ur hands. You don't just wash your hands to wash away the flu virus but also because warm soapy water damages the flu particle's outer membrane so that it stops being active. This takes about 30 seconds so don't rinse too quickly.