Wednesday 22 July 2009

A trip to the suppermarket

Wot a day .. taking young Bertrand out on the town. We were a pottering through the suppermarket when he spots some flowers and I notice his lower jaw start to quiver and the snout start to tremble.

A loud .. LOUD .. yell catches everyone's attention!!!

Lemuure .. he yells .. I want a compost heap.

Ssssshhhh I say .. we'll talk about it later.

It seems I've said the wrong thing cause the next thing I hear is COMPOST COMPOST COMPOST .. Lemuure .. COMPOST.

So, I think .. I'll have to try a different attitude with a bit more attitude.

Give the snout a paw huggie this instant. We'll talk compost later.


I want compost.

You don't need any compost right now, I said

I might've known ... lol!!


It seemed like the suppermarket had come to a halt. No one was doing any shopping anymore. And you could see that they all loved little Bertrand and so could he.

The wail went up again.


What was I to do? It's not like I carry compost round with me in my rucksack. No hope of a three week old carrot lying at the bottom of my bag. Maybe a three week old Mars bar but I knew he wouldn't be fooled.

I looked in the bag and there was an apple. I took it out and handed it to him saying "Compost."

His eyes just got bigger and bigger and he took it yelling compost.

I said to him what do you say and he said "Thankyou compost"

I thought I'd leave it at that though I wasn't too happy about what his mum would think next time she gave him an apple.

Then he said "I'll save a bit of my compost heap for the badgers" If you want a badger for a pet you have to have compost heaps to attract them. I want a badger for my birthday.

I took him home and came back an hour later to get some supper for myself.