Thursday 27 August 2009

And now ..............

Uncle John loves windmills .. he says how relaxing it would be to dry ur socks on them and watch them go round and round. You would have to adapt it a bit ofcourse .. but maybe we could build one in the back garden for him or on the roof and power the house as well as dry socks. I don't know anything about green power but there must be a way

Uncle John says that you have to be very careful with roof windmills cause they can lauch the house into orbit. He knows thos cause he once built a model started the windmill up mechanically through lack of wind amd the whole house took off. Hw said in if there was a hurricane you might very well find yourself in space and therefore it's always a good idea to have extra food and oxygen in.

Well, I never knew that

I think he's a total hippy at heart .. making models of windpowered houses and look how quickly he took to herbal teas. He has more tea bags than socks now.

Do you know if you can use a teabag more than once or do you get all the goodness out of them in a few minutes. A friend told me that when he was young they sometimes used the same teabags for most of the day. This was for your cuppas and really there wasn't much if any taste left by the end of the day though it seems they still enjoyed their cuppas.

And. now's the time to say goodnight .. goodnight

My. gosh, and it was too .. what a clever little song.