Friday 31 July 2009


I mearly always blog at the same time now. Goodnight blogging. Really I should blog about my day and other lemuures and what's going on in the world but I leave it so late that I don't have time to say much more than goodnightzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz because the tail and eyelids are all drooping and it's time to pad the paws to bed.

So .. again .. goodnightzzzzzzzz. Off to the land of dreamy dreams once I've drunk my tea.

Tuesday 28 July 2009


Jusr waiting for my tea to cool and then I'll be pottering the paws to bed again..

How sleepy am I. Tomorrow I'll be doing my new breathing exercises and the stretches and the meditation. It's all very slow cause of the pawly paw paws but, like the teas is very good for me.


Good morning to you who've padded the paws to bed. I guess someone has to get there first and it's never me though tonight I'm going to be earlier than I thought I'd be but not as early as I hoped I'd be.


Monday 27 July 2009


I wonder how many people heard snoring in their dreams last night. I didn't remember my dreams or wake up having been lulled through the night by the sound of my snoring. It's strange how peoples snoring can keep other people awake yet the person snoring can be totally oblivious to it.

Uncle John was over yesterday .. he'd heard that Bertrand was interested in the composing so I had to say no he was interested in composting not composing. Someone had told him that Bertrand had got upset because he wanted to compose but only had two tins of potatoes to knock together to try and make a tune. I told him that he'd got upset because he wanted a compost heap and he couldn't find one in the suppermarket.

He's going to make his own to try and attract a bodger for his birthday as they're interested in composting too.

Uncle John said he would try and knit a badger for Bertrand's birthday. He was going to make a glove puppet out of one of his socks but he'd try this instead and try to adapt a sock pattern into one for a badger.

We had a mug of tea and chatted for a while. I still haven't got him any aniseeds but gave him a liquorice teabag to take home. He;ll have a mug of it tonight and then save his teabag in the fridge for tomorrow morning to sweeten his breakfast cuppa.

Sunday 26 July 2009


Have popped in to say goodzzzzzznights. I've been a sleepy lemuure so'm looking forward to pottering the paws to the land of dreamy dreams. Someone asked me what do I dream about after reading about my dreams. I don't know I had to say because I don't remember my dreams but I've been told that I'm quite noisy laughing and a snoring. Both at the same time? I didn't think to ask. I wonder if you know you're snoring when you dream.

Imagine dreamung that ur flying through space exploring the stars and suddenly you hear this noise ............

Would you think it's the music of the galaxies or a planet whizzing past ur left ear hole. Or would you think My God so Mars is inhabited.

I don't remember my dreamies so I'll never know. Though that isn't quite true I do remember one here and there. So far I don't remember any snores.

I was going to write about something completely different but nevermind. It's time to finish the tea and pad the paws to bed/

Wednesday 22 July 2009

A trip to the suppermarket

Wot a day .. taking young Bertrand out on the town. We were a pottering through the suppermarket when he spots some flowers and I notice his lower jaw start to quiver and the snout start to tremble.

A loud .. LOUD .. yell catches everyone's attention!!!

Lemuure .. he yells .. I want a compost heap.

Ssssshhhh I say .. we'll talk about it later.

It seems I've said the wrong thing cause the next thing I hear is COMPOST COMPOST COMPOST .. Lemuure .. COMPOST.

So, I think .. I'll have to try a different attitude with a bit more attitude.

Give the snout a paw huggie this instant. We'll talk compost later.


I want compost.

You don't need any compost right now, I said

I might've known ... lol!!


It seemed like the suppermarket had come to a halt. No one was doing any shopping anymore. And you could see that they all loved little Bertrand and so could he.

The wail went up again.


What was I to do? It's not like I carry compost round with me in my rucksack. No hope of a three week old carrot lying at the bottom of my bag. Maybe a three week old Mars bar but I knew he wouldn't be fooled.

I looked in the bag and there was an apple. I took it out and handed it to him saying "Compost."

His eyes just got bigger and bigger and he took it yelling compost.

I said to him what do you say and he said "Thankyou compost"

I thought I'd leave it at that though I wasn't too happy about what his mum would think next time she gave him an apple.

Then he said "I'll save a bit of my compost heap for the badgers" If you want a badger for a pet you have to have compost heaps to attract them. I want a badger for my birthday.

I took him home and came back an hour later to get some supper for myself.

Tuesday 21 July 2009


Goodnight. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mumble zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snort grumble moan zzzzzzzzzzz hahahaha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snore snore SNORESNORESNORESNORESNORESNORE zzzzzzzzzzz hahahaha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Til tomorrow.

Monday 20 July 2009

good night zzzzz again

I'm in the middle of blogging but have to go to sleep now and I'm not a lemuure who can blog while asleep. Well, not as far as I know .. though I haven't checked so, if I have, it might be something that I never know about.

Not to worry.

Anyway, I'm off to wrap the tail around and drift off zzzzzzzzzzzz to the land of dreamy dreams.

Friday 17 July 2009

good night

Just a padding in to say goodnight lemuuries and folksies. Past time to pad the paws to bed so off I go.

The paws have just pawsed for a teeny, tiny little while because I've been studying and collecting the teas and Uncle John has been washing and sorting out his socks.

Goodnight for now.

Monday 13 July 2009


Just about to pad the paw diddley paw paws off to bed again. I had planned to have an early night but as usual things didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped .. though this time it was cause the tummy was getting ysed to being able to move a bit more. Slurping a mug of white tea down into that didn't seem to go down too well at all ... slosh slosh slosh .... ??????

But ... no .. everything settled down including my mug of tea.

So ... now it's time to pad the poorly paw paws to bed .. though not so poorly poor after all.

I had been doing the exercises earlier on astretching the tummy muscles and I think they might have worked a little .. which is good .. and the tea has stayed where it should ... which is good.

So off to bed now .. more tummy stretching tomorrow and more tea and we shall see what happens. Maybe the tummy will be better now that I've done my first lot of exercises .. it's a long time since the tummy has moved like that and it can still keep down the teas.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Off to bed (2)

I thought that I would get it all out of my system by writing about my bedpans on the brain. I thought that I'd be the first to cover this subject but bedpans are quite a popular subject though not on the brain. Though, really, this might not be the case .. maybe others have the same idea as mel

I thought if I wrote a book about my experiences .. though maybe not a self help book because that could make people feel worse.

What to do though. Analycysts is not for me. self help could make me worse, other people have already written about bedpans .. maybe there's not room for another book in the telling it all and letting it all outmarket though I'm told that this is very popular right now and hospital jokes are full of them so too late there too.

Is there nothing .. cownselling ? I really fancy past life regression .. Uncle John says that once I start I'll be there for years .. he's read all about it in The National Enquirer bcause I will get the transfurrence and won't want to leave.

Well, that sounds very like bedpans on the brain to me so we're back at the beginning again.

Off to sleep on it.


Good night

Uncle John has read Mr Freud's views on the collecting

and has decided that analcysts are not for him. I told him you could have them on the NHS but still he has decided to give it a miss, I think it might be cause he realized that everyone might want to come along. He likes to talk about his hobbies and I thought he might jump at the chance.

I expect when Mr Freud thought of the idea it was concidered really great. Uncle John says it's all the drugs he used to take. Mr Freud that is .. not Uncle John. And that everyone probably thought it was a bit strange then too but that they encouraged him cause then they could sit and talk about their collections of sock suspenders and mechanical otters.

I'm sleepy and need to think about tucking the tail around and going to sleep so good night.


I was tempted to go out and buy a cake for my new birthday but then remembered thst junk food is off the plate for now cause it certainly doesn't mix well with white tea in my tummy.

What tea can certainly cause the gurgles and I thought with my tummy and Uncle Johm's beet juice we were certainly becoming very alternative. I do sometimes drink the beet juice myself too.

Lemuures have known about the herbals for a long time .. sometimes it has been other folk that have led people to herbal medicines like osha root or bear root as it's sometimes called. Bears were seen eating it when they came out of hibernation so people decided to try it too

Cakes and cakes and muure cakes

I'm not just a blogging lemuure but belong to other sites too where it's not all blogging.

I logged on to one of them this morning and it was cakes everywhere. Pink sploddgey cakes with no fruits . I hope people won't want them back when I tell them ... it's not my birthday for another six months or so. I have the Christmas birthdays which people forget because it's christmas but now everyone is remembering when it isn't.

Happy early birthday to me ..

Saturday 11 July 2009

Off to zzzzzzzzzzzzz

And padding the paws back to the land of dreamy dreams again .. to zzzzzzzzzzzzz snore zzzzzzzzz and snore 'n' snore. I wrap the tail around and rest the snout on the paws and slowly driftzzzzzzzzzzazzzzwzzzzazzzzzy.

In the morning I never know whether I'll wake before the alarm clock or not .. usually it's me but sometimes brrr brrr brrrrrrrr .. tring tring tring .. eeeeekkkkkkkK!!!!!!!!!! .. it's the alarm clock. It just gets more and more persistant if you don't wake up STRAIGHT AWAY.

Which I usually do ... sigh.

Anyway off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

So ... gud night and gud morning to all you who're already in bed or good arvo, good evening if ur living somewhere else but good night when you do pad the paws to the land of dreamy dreams.

Will I dream of ice yoghurt cakes .. a sinking the paws into the slushies and searching for grapes or waiting patiently for the iced yogurt to melt so that I could reach the grapes further down.

Anyway off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Pad pad poddily pad pad pad

I padded the paws off to bed with out saying goodnights last night. Too late as usual.

So I'm half zzzzzzzing on the paws today. The tail is wrapped around the ears. Never mind though, it looks as if it might rain soon and if I go out that should soon wake me up.

Maybe I'm recovering from the bedpans .. but how good are they when you're in the hospital. You can have the wheelchairs too to go here and there instead of having to pad the paws .. though they don't seem to have the ones you can drive yourself .. you could zoom around the ward and corridors even if you couldn't pad the paws. Instead they have ones where you sit in them being very careful of the tail .. best to curl it round the tummy or the person driving the wheelchair mightn't be able to see where they're going .

Anyway. I have to pad the paws now .. slowly .. pad zzzz pad zzzz pad pad pad.

Friday 10 July 2009

Gud afternoon

I slept in this morning .. had a long zzzzzzzzzz last night .. first for quite some time. I didn't have my alarm clock on .. that usually doesn't matter as I wake up before it but this morning I slept in about an hour after it would've gone off.

I think this cold might have come to an end. Last night I thought .. is this going to be a grotty snoutty cold but no, it seems to be coming to an end .. maybe that's why I had the looooong sleep.

Now, I'm going to take my next pillies and have something to eat and have a cup of the alternative teas.

Thursday 9 July 2009

The birthday party

Earlier this year some lemuures at Edinburgh zoo helped celebrate the zooz 100th birthday by eating a cake made out of ice and yogurt and fruit. I was hoping we could see how they managed the cake after the top layer of fruit went .. but I expect they had to wait til it started to melt to find more fruit.

The lemuures are about half way through

And five photos

I have never seen an ice cake before .. an ice cream cake and icing on a cake .. but never an ice cake.


Well, we're not going for treatments at all. Uncle John is sorting through his odd socks to find a suitable one to do a Michael Jackson tribute with. It turns out that it was Mr Jackson that gave him the idea in the first place though he used a glove instead of a sock.

I suggested that he could sew a few sequins on it when he finds the right one and if he liked to sequin two socks maybe we could do a tribute together .. or even have everyone join in .. after all he does have quite a few socks.

I've been doing a bit of tidying up and out today and am feeling very zzzzzzzzzzzy already and it's only afternoon so I think I might have a bit of a nap.

Not a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz but a zzzzzzzzz

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Beet juice

I had so much to blog about .. well, I still do .. but it might take days and days of time.

It's almost time to pad the sleepy paws to bed again. zzzzzzzzzzz .. and if I start telling you about things this side of the blogosphere I'll be here for a long, long time and it could be almost time to get up again before I'd hardly wrapped the tail around.

Uncle John is happy though being so alternatively alternative with his teas and beetroot juices .. though he did think that I sgould have mentioned what the beets can do .. but how could I when I was self helping.

It is true what they say though

I was unhappy because I couldn't tell Uncle John that his bed pan would be pink if he drank the beet juice and I was worried that he'd be calling the doctor out in the middle of the night.

Do I have the low esteems then and this is why I was unhappy that I didn't tell Uncle John about the beet juice.

If I had the high esteems would I have been happy

Freudian analcysts are so hard to understand especially the retentions .. but I suppose if everyone has those it doesn't matter .. though maybe this is why they have so many analcysts.

I wonder what Mr Freud would have made of it if I'd collected bedpans .. it doesn't sound very retentive to me then I'm not a psychiatrist. .

Problems .. problems!!!

But that is what he was there for.

Anyway a pottering to bed.


I'm sooooooooooo sleepy.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Self help

Uncle John enjoyed his beet juice .. he is really alternative now cause he has the p.p .. can I describe it as anything else as I am doing the self helps now.

I would love to have the regressions but Uncle John says it's not needed for bedpans on the brain. Instead I'm doing the mantras .. mine is "I will soon have cleared the bedpans from me brain" .. I repeat this five times in the morning and five times in the evening while doing the meditations.

I will always have the grapefulness for the hostpitals though.

Monday 6 July 2009

Group analysists

Ah, the hospitals, eh .. full of strange things like bedpans and commodes and injections and pills and lots of people to look after you .. peoples to clean the ward and stop the infections and people to do the dinners and breakfasts and people to take you to the x rays.

I cannot let go though I haven't been around the wardies for a long time stuck in the bed unable to leave.

But Uncle John thinks I don't need the Freudians which was rather disappointing as I'd phoned up to find out if we could have joint analcysts together today.

The lemuure on the end of the phone didn't understand to start off with but I told her that we needed the Freudians and that I'd been reading up on it last night I had bedpans on the brain and Uncle John had the anal retentions and we needed analcysts. After reading some of Mr Freuds ideas I was sure things would soon get better.

He said if you have the analcysts you need to see a doctor. I said .. we need the analcysts that's the trouble we don't have them. I thought that you did.

He asked me to explain it all .. so I did. I didn't need to go to a doctor or a hostpital but to have past life regressions. It was hospitals which had given me bedpans on the brain because I couldn't let go.

So could I have analcysts please. I had heard that everyone wants this in America and you just talk about your life and then you can understand everything you do. I also explained that Uncle John needed it too as Mr Freud had said he did cause he collected things .. though I had to say that I thought Mr Freud might've been wrong there because everyone I knew collected something. Perhaps we could all come along at once though.

He said that the analcysts were private and confidential. Only one person a talking at a time then .. I thought maybe we could have a job lot as most of us would be there for the same thing .. well, all of us really as far as the collecting went.

The lemuure at the other end of the phone said could I call back tomorrow.

Then I pottered round to see Uncle John who said he didn't really think we needed to have the group regressions. I said that I had thought it rather strange that he was treating people for collecting cause everyone I knew collected something. Uncle John said he expected there was a very long waiting list for the collecting therapies because everyone would want to go. I had to say too that he didn't seem very interested in bedpans on the brain from what I'd read anyway but I had asked if they could fit the whole group in and I was going to phone back tomorrow to see what they said .. but, really I was starting to think that I was barking up the wrong tree.

So, we don't have a problem. I would tell the man tomorrow. Uncle John said that I just needed to forget about the bedpans however wonderful they and the hospital were.

So, I thought it best not to tell him about the colourful effects of the beet juice I'd just given him and pottered off home.

Sunday 5 July 2009

ZZZzzZZZZZ good night

I was going to write the bloggings today but had other things to do and now it's time for bed so I have to potter the paws to the land of dreamy dreams and wrap the tail around.

It's almost midnight and an hour past a certain lenuure's bedtime so I have to go without doing all the bloggings that are in my head.

Oh, not bedpans again lemuure I know you stink. Well, yes. I haven't been for the analyizing yet. I have not found an analicyst like the Mr Freud with is anal retentiveness but I am still looking.

The trouble is I'm not sure it is me who really needs the analycysts.

Because it's Uncle John who likes to collect things .. even though I might have bedpans on the brain.

Maybe we should go together. I don't think he's ever been to an analycyst before and I think we might find it fun. We can hold each other's paws if we have to do past lives regressions. Well, you never know what you might find out so it's always good to have someone else around.

But for now I have to go to bed.

So Gud night.


I'll have to tell you what I was going to another time.


Friday 3 July 2009


Wasn't quite so chippermonk to start the day today as I was yesterday. But have picked up a bit now. I think the heat is slowing me down a bit. But, nevermind .. it's nice to have summery days.

I still don't seem to be anywhere near as ill as I was with the colds .. I know that I've got one but it just doesn't seem to be as bad as they all were during this year's run up to the teas. How I wish I'd been drinking tea alternatively before .. but, never mind better late than never.

Anyway, time to potter off. Though I might do some meditation or have a little doze before I go ... zzzz

Thursday 2 July 2009

Flooshing out the bad and/or the goods

The next thing I had to worry about with the herbals was ... YIKES .. if the alternative teas were antibacterial .. and WE ALL know what they say about the antibacterials don't we!!!???? Not only do they get rid of the bad bacterias like the ones that cause pneumonia but they also flooosh out the good ones too for some reason or other.

Why they do this I have no idea.

So, I thought .. if the teas were going to be alternative and flooosh would they be floooshing correctly?

Where should I look to find out about floooshing. I first thought about the lavoratories where the hippies are a testing the barks .. I know that they would know all about the floooshing because they do a lot of that in the lavs or so I have heard so they would be experts.

But, which lav to phone up. Again, I do not know though perhaps another scientific lemuure might. I might ask around.

But, from what I do know .. is that the herbal healing herbs only flooosh out the dangerous bacterias and there is no floooshing of the good ones.

Again, why this is I do not know. How can they tell which bacteria is a bad bacteria and which is a good one that should stay. Infact I'm lead to believe that some alternatives not only flooosh the bad ones but can also encourage the good ones to grow.

They are the helpers.

This could be because the plants have the anti-bacterias to help them .. though I did have to ask myself if plants can get pneumonia .. I thought not .. but maybe I am wrong!!! Maybe it dates back a long, long, long, long, long time though and maybe once ur tea had to fight off the pneumonias.

Again the scientists would be able to shine a light on this. There must be a paper written on pneumonia in tea. Whatever .. the very young buds, unprocessed are able to help do it now it seems.

If they were there to help the plants maybe they wouldn't be programmed to affect the good bacteriums either.

Though I have to ask myself why the antibacterials made in the lavs don't behave like this too.

I will have to find out.

Maybe with the foo a coming it would be a good idea to eats good bacterias but I do not know if they sell bacteria in shops .. even good ones. My gosh .. how alternative that would be. They could then live in your tummy and help with the floooshing of the bad ones. Maybe when I go to the health shop I will ask for 100g of good bacterias please.

I needs them for the tummy floooshing.

But, anyway, it appears that the herbals are not a floooshing the good bacterias .. just some of the bad ones.

Wednesday 1 July 2009


Lots of people have problems with green tea .. and others have beaten me to it and actually upchucked.

I can't believe that others have managed to upchuck while I have kept it all down.

And I'm on the steroids and highish dose ibuprofen which could mean if anyone is gonna upchuck I should!!! I'm going to have another go very soon .. lol!!! Wish me luck ... whether to keep it down or up I don't know.


Only joking.

I think I want to keep it down really .. I did have a very slight slosh this afternoon and I knew where I wanted it to be.

Why take the trouble to drink it if you just want it to come back up again!!!

I know some people do this when they go out for the night a green teaing .. but, I think to myself what a waste.

Happily .. so far so good!!!!

By, that I mean there are no tummy gurgles


Only joking

Are they milking it!!!!

I'm just sitting here waiting to see what happens. I forgot to put extra tumeric in my tea so that will have to wait.

I've just read someone saying how much liquorice helped her and her mum though .. cold symptoms cleared up very quickly .. just like what appeared to be an infection dried up within an hour with the manuka honey that time.

I'm not really expecting the cuppa to do the trick to be honest .. but the white and green teas might have more of an effect. I'm not really that sure if it's that relevant ... joking apart ,, whether there's milk in the tea or not. I do know that milk can prevent chemicals being absorbed .. so, if there's any question at all, I'd leave it out.

I think most calcium tablets would be ok with my bone sparing pill ... but I take it the ones I were prescribed at the hospital must've been dairy ones .. they aren't the ones you buy with the calcium pills in the chemist so I haven't checked and I've taking some now which aren't .. but I still take them later .. better to be safe than sorry.

And, until I know it's really sorted out for good I wouldn't risk it. Just like I wouldn't risk it with my Sunday pill!!!!

Anyway sadly we'll never know about Mr Cleese and his cuppa but if a cuppa tea is a good addition to the herbal kit I'll go for it.


Also .. my auto immune illness doesn't seem to be getting worse even with the liquorice tea being stopped .. it hasn't reversed .. maybe it's not getting any better .. but it hasn't reversed .. I have ways of telling this ... yuk!!!


They will be sending tests to the lavs soon to see just how things are progressing. It'll be interesting to see if things change from having my meds reduced if this'll effect what appears to have happened from bathing my throat with liquorice tea.

Ah, the things you have to go through to be an alternative tea drinking scientific lemuure.

Anyone like to have the blood test for me.

Round and round and riound we go!!!

T.. leave the milk out!!!

There are, though, conflicting viewpoints about how much milk affects the tea leaves whether you should leaves it in or not!!!!

I would say leave it in in the cuppa but leave it out in the green and white teas if you have a couple a day to help with the heart. Milk isn't usually added to these teas anyway .. though maybe it should be to help the tummy!!!!

This is what I mean .. one day they say eat ur porridge with the salt the next day with the sugar!!!

I think it's probably best to drink ur green and white teas without the milk.

Tomorrow we'll probably be told to drink our tea without the tea!!! lol!!! And then what would an alternative tea drinker do.

How am I getting on with the colds and the teas.

I have to say that the liquorice tea does appear more affective than the cuppas and related teas. I'm still much better, there's no doubt about that .. but there are little symptoms coming through that weren't there with the liquorice tea .

Also a couple of symptoms I thought might be down to the tea have turned out to be due to my illness .. I'd been ill with the colds for so long that I'd forgotten .. lol!!! The liquorice/garlic/ginger/star anise mixture is great .. but this is doing a lot of good too .. the only symptoms that have come through ares very slightly wet eyes and a slightly upset tummy with a cold .. but the wet eyes could actually be the heat .. I'll have to wait until the heat cools off a bit .. or down to the withdrawal from the cellcept. I'm slightly sniffly too ofcourse but that is all. I had an upset tum in the morning while I was drinking the liquorice tea too from the colds .. up and down with what normally would be the severity of the colds. It was this that used to be the worst of it all. It became bearable two days after starting the teas. I thought I had an allergy .. looks like I just need to get used to them. My reaction to the white tea wasn't good!!! lol!!! gurgle .. gurgle .. but only lasted a little while .. seemed to be my stomach's reaction to the tea rather than a while system one .. the rest of me didn't feel worse .. and the next drink was a lot better.

I gave up on the green tea because of the initial tummy responses .. I felt bad the next couple of times after the first drink too .. though not quite as bad. I thoug

I think the mixture might be boosting pain relief in some areas too to do with bone and muscle though not nerve pain!!!

This is without milk .. lol!!!

There are conflicting reports .. I don't know if there could be other elements at play here too .. but I'm not putting milk in. It affected me badly with the meds I'm on once and I don't think I'll risk it again at the present level of research to be honest. Infact .. I'm having cups away from dairy produce altogether .. which has been a nuisance .. even as an almost vegan!!!!but there you go!!! I'm wondering if that has been the difference in effect that I noticed but didn't check to see what I was doing that was different. Just thought it was me!!!

But .. something in the mix I'm taking is still affecting my colds .. not as well as the liquorice tea mixture did .. but it's still happening!!! My eyes were slightly wet this morning though. I was going to dive for a liquorice tea .. but I'll hang on .. unless it gets worse. Then I'll drink a liquorice one.

I'm still on a hefty dose of immune suppresant meds so my immune system is still way under par .. both from the corticosteroids and the cellcept. So I should still be getting colds .. but will have a better chance of fighting them off now ... I hope.

Anyway .. that's what I'm going to do ... white tea with no milk .. some tummeric .. the 3 ginger tea bags are quite nice and holland and B does one too .. though ofcourse there's probably a wider selection on the web .. or just add your own tumeric and make a tea.

I'm going to do a bit more testing with the liquorice tea .. but in a couple of weeks .. unless this cold gets worse .. and I do have one .. just am not that bad with it. At all.

My tummy was a little upset but about 15 mins after I'd had me breakfast me white tea mixture amd about 5 lumps of crystalized ginger it'd cleared up .. though I did have a slight initial response to the white tea .. think I'm always going to .. but nothing like the original one .. I'm still surprized that stayed down. You could actually hear the gurgles and a slightly sloshing sound .. worse with the white than the green I have to say .. but neither actually made me sick .. just noisy and feeling that way.

I was such an ill lemuure before .. I could do some bloggings but not much on the whole .. and becoming an alternative tea lemuure has made things so much better.

I would like to have another liquorice tea now .. but I will leave it .. unless the cold gets very noticeably worse.

But by now I'd normally expect to be thinking swiss clinic thoughts because the mornings were so bad .. about 2/3 days into new cold symptoms getting worse .. and eyewise that's where I am .. will see what tomorrow's like.

To tea or not to tea!!! That is the question

And whether to leave adding milk to the leaves or eating the daries with the teas. Like with the pillies I'll leave any dairies for half an hour and take my calcium supplements about an hour after a drink of tea.