Saturday 26 April 2008

Two Weetabixes

Writing the wrong way round .. sigh .. I'm blogging in the evening instead of blogging in the morning as I said I would.

Things are so complicated at the moment that often I just can't fit the bloggins in to the schedule. The problem is .. I'm tired in the morning and then I'm tired in the evening and tired in between too.

Some people have suggested that I spend too much time a playing fer the joolz that are not joolz .. but what is a lemuure to do if she wants to send the gifties .. only about 300,000 to go til I can do this .. just a couple of years or so ... lol!!! But I will stop playing so long .. but the people they send out the invites to play so I play quite a lot as a lemuure likes t .. sorry must .. but I will cut it down .. and return to the reading and meditations and other things.

I'm a tired lemuure to at the moment .. both the illnesses and the medications make me feel rather tired .. but, still, maybe, just a bit more rest wouldn't be a bad idea .. which means doing the meditations as generally I'm not a good sleeper.

I have the nice National Geographic magazine to read that was there in the hospital shop called Changing Climate. I didn't read it in the hospital as I didn't have me spectetarcles with me though I could see to read but just not as well as I can with them .. best to wait til I got back.

The climate certainly changed while I was in the hospital. It was very cold the morning I went in .... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I said to the ambulance people ... I was surprised that it was so cold. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr ......... shiver ........... brrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

But when I came back it was lovely and warm. I had changed too, running with sweat on my way in while it was freezing cold and then not when it was a lot warmer. I won't go into more graphic details .. but let's just say ... pass the sick bowl please .. though I'm pleased to say that there wasn't an e added to the bowl .. just one way problemos.

I wasn't in time fer the eggy flans this time .. if I had stayed in another day I would have had some of this lovely food but I said I was ok to come back so come back I did .. missing tomorrows flan. I had hardly eaten since Friday but I was still well enough to leave. I'd just had some soup .. irrestistable and a few spoonfuls of veggies and custard. Very nice but I couldn't eat much for most of the time I was there. Though I did have TWO Weetabixes for breakfast the morning I left. It took me a while to get through them .... but who could refuse two!!!!