Saturday 5 April 2008

The languages

Well .. well ..... well the languages are on da agendas. I 'ave the nieue friendz. La la!! le le!! les les!! la la.

This ees gonna be tres difficile as nous parles just a teeny bitz of de languages deze jours en sometimes gets the languages a bit mixed up!!!

This is all gonna change it seems ... and like maintenent!!!

Why oh why did je think it would all be about looking after the rainies in de rainbow rescues and things like dat. I was there to be a committed and dedicated rainbow rescuing lemuure.

En voila!!!! It seems we r doing this in many places in the world in the different languages. Lemuures it seems we might 'av' to be learning the nieue languages.

So la la le le les les la la

Wot fun this could be.

We need to be getting the nieue computerers into the ecolejes now that the vouchers r back agin. Auntie John might be collecting or the mama or papa in the queue behind you and ofcourse the people there too at lots of times to have this going on.

Maybe the childeren will be learning the many languages of everywhere.