Wednesday 15 October 2008


Today was one of those days that got better as it went on. The poorly paw paws were poorly poor to start off with but it was the kind of poorly poor that was made a lot better with the medicines.

It was just as well they weren't lost the day before but I'm sure, even if they had been, the police persons would have been happy to search for the ones I'd lost as losing them is a thing I must not do.

There are some pillies you can lose and some you can't.

I would have asked them if it was possible to phone my doctor and tell him that I had lost the pillies and could I have some new ones as the old ones were most likely down the bottom of a rubbish bin .. rather than have them having to retrieve them for me.

I thought I might have to stay in today but after taking the medicines I was able to pad the paws out around the town and then we went on a drive to Sainsbury to buy the tins of lentillies and tomatoes and bags of frozen spinach etc.

And, later on, to pad the paws out AGAIN!!!!!!!!