Tuesday 14 October 2008

Padding the paws back again

What a day .. turning the paws to the sorting out again .. I thought I might have thrown away some of the medicines this afternoon and that they might be in the binnies. Well, for two of the bags this would be ok as they were right on the top .. but the other one ...... was ....... in another bin .. right down near the botom and I would have had to clamber down inside the binnie to get it back.

Now these weren't just any pillies .. but some of THE MST200s .. the pillies that the police like to know if you've lost them because they are the very special medicines .. the controlled pillies. So .. what was I to do .. go to the police station and say please could someone come and get my rubbish bag out of that binnie please because I think the MST200s might be in it and if I can't find them I have to tell you.

Anyway .. luckily, a while later after I'd searched most of the room a tidying a bit as I went I noticed them on the table where I'd put them the night before. I could remember taking them out of the bag and putting them on the sofa .. but I didn't remember taking them off the sofa and putting them on the table.

Panic over. And no dialing the 999s to get the police people out to climb into the bins in search of the turquoise pillies.

In a way it was quite good .. except for the panic .. because I managed to sort out a bit more as I searched. Though I had planned to work in the bedroom today but I knew the pillies weren't in there.

Tomorrow I have more bags to take down to the bins .. making sure my pillies are in the pill box first so no more panics.

What would I have said to my doctor if I had lost them .. and wasn't it lucky that I spotted them on the table before I pottered the paws down to the police station.

I'm quite a sleepy lemuure this evening so will soon be padding the paws to the land of dreamy dreams.


To sing the Zzzzzzz song.

Snore .. snore


