Sunday 19 October 2008

Who gets kissed by the lemur

I only have about 15 minutes to blog this evening because I soon have to pad the paws to bed to zzzzz or, hopefully zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I've done a bit more sorting out .. just a bit .. and padded the paws out this evening. I still pad along pretty slowly .. though someone did say when they were helping me carry my shopping bac the other day that I was walking too quickly .. and sometimes I do .. this is true. They also said that I needed to wear a scarf .. I can't remember if he was wearing his .. but, I said .. yes, I know I needed to wear more on such a cold and windy evening .. so today I padded out with a jacket to keep the furries warm.

I think I better take the pillies and pad the paws to the land of dreamy dreams now or I'll be the late lemuure again. Before I go I'll post a clip of a lemuure in Madagascar that I told a woman about a couple of days ago when I met her in Waterstones. She was carrying a book about Madagascar where she ws going to meet lots and lots of lemuures.

She is hoping to meet lots of lemuure friends while she's there.

Friday 17 October 2008


I'm waiting for dinner to cook .. lentil stew with some carrots and dumplings .. not made with my own paws but already made and all I have to do is put the oven on, take the lid off and put it in the oven for 25 minutes. I have some soya baco bits and soya lemon yogurt to go with it. I'm getting ready to start the all in one saucepan cooking again and have the tins of tomatos and beans and bags of spinach ready to go.

Yesterday someone told me about a new method for Pot Noodles .. the Pot Noodle sandwich. Two slices of bread and butter or marg .. one pot of cooked pot noodles and salt and pepper and any sauces and pickles you like. Butter your bread and add plenty of cooked pot noodles and plenty of brown sauce or tomato ketchup or whatever sauces you like.

Yummy .. sadly the bread shelves were empty tonight at Tesco .. or I might have tried it for breakfast tomorrow instead of the porridge.

Someone else said .. that isn't very healthy lemuure .. but I would be using the wholemeal bread for my sandwiches .. and wouldn't be eating pot noodle sandwiches every morning.

There is always porridge ... a lemuure's favourite.


Brrrrrr .. the fur was surely shivering a little when I woke up this morning and I thought the autumn winds were back again. When I pottered out later on in the day it was quite nice and warmish and I wasn't wearing a coat or a jacket with the summery clothes .. just a thin cardigan .. and was told off a little while coming back from Tesco. I'd met a friend who offered to carry my bags for me which was lucky because they were a bit too heavy for me really.

It had been cold in Tesco too. I'd pottered the paws down the freezer section and could feel the fur getting ready for its winter growth as I looked in the frozen veg section. I thought if the fur had been slightly wet icicles could have formed.


I am still feeling a bit better. I was pleased to find out this morning that the back pain I'd had for a couple of days had not come back and that there was little of stuff called sluff which I'd had a lot of for quite a while.

Why I do not know.

It's been a quiet day because I'm quite tired and think I should pad the paws to bed early tonight .. but I think that every night and say to myself I'll just stay up five minutes more .. and then find myself there for another hour ........

........ or two.

Wednesday 15 October 2008


Today was one of those days that got better as it went on. The poorly paw paws were poorly poor to start off with but it was the kind of poorly poor that was made a lot better with the medicines.

It was just as well they weren't lost the day before but I'm sure, even if they had been, the police persons would have been happy to search for the ones I'd lost as losing them is a thing I must not do.

There are some pillies you can lose and some you can't.

I would have asked them if it was possible to phone my doctor and tell him that I had lost the pillies and could I have some new ones as the old ones were most likely down the bottom of a rubbish bin .. rather than have them having to retrieve them for me.

I thought I might have to stay in today but after taking the medicines I was able to pad the paws out around the town and then we went on a drive to Sainsbury to buy the tins of lentillies and tomatoes and bags of frozen spinach etc.

And, later on, to pad the paws out AGAIN!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Padding the paws back again

What a day .. turning the paws to the sorting out again .. I thought I might have thrown away some of the medicines this afternoon and that they might be in the binnies. Well, for two of the bags this would be ok as they were right on the top .. but the other one ...... was ....... in another bin .. right down near the botom and I would have had to clamber down inside the binnie to get it back.

Now these weren't just any pillies .. but some of THE MST200s .. the pillies that the police like to know if you've lost them because they are the very special medicines .. the controlled pillies. So .. what was I to do .. go to the police station and say please could someone come and get my rubbish bag out of that binnie please because I think the MST200s might be in it and if I can't find them I have to tell you.

Anyway .. luckily, a while later after I'd searched most of the room a tidying a bit as I went I noticed them on the table where I'd put them the night before. I could remember taking them out of the bag and putting them on the sofa .. but I didn't remember taking them off the sofa and putting them on the table.

Panic over. And no dialing the 999s to get the police people out to climb into the bins in search of the turquoise pillies.

In a way it was quite good .. except for the panic .. because I managed to sort out a bit more as I searched. Though I had planned to work in the bedroom today but I knew the pillies weren't in there.

Tomorrow I have more bags to take down to the bins .. making sure my pillies are in the pill box first so no more panics.

What would I have said to my doctor if I had lost them .. and wasn't it lucky that I spotted them on the table before I pottered the paws down to the police station.

I'm quite a sleepy lemuure this evening so will soon be padding the paws to the land of dreamy dreams.


To sing the Zzzzzzz song.

Snore .. snore




Sunday 12 October 2008

The harvest festival

You potter away and you potter back. I mean to be a blogging lemmuure every day but lately haven't been a blogging here much. I'm going to take the blog off to another page soon .. a moving it through the blogosphere but will just be round the corner at .. so not moving very far away at all ... just to another page,

I am still padding the poorly paw paws around but it seems that I maybe a little bit better as I've had the asnishoos but have not had to go to the hospital even though it's been quite a while since they started. It seems to be getting longer every time now. So, today I was able to pad the paws up the road to the harvest festivals .. this is where you give the plants and food and then you buy them back and the money goes to a good cause. This time to the Hospice .. we made almost £100.

I gave some bits and pieces .. some choccies and nuts but didn't buy anything .. I put the paw up for one of Dave's paintings but then realised that the other person really, really wanted it in all it's purple skyness and kept the paw down at £8.50 .. a bargain as this was a painting on the canvas and not a print. Though he is usually very generous with the prices with us lemuures. It is a very lovely painting. I have one and I think that is enough. This was lovely though in its mauve and purpliness. Lemuures do so love the purplies.

We listened to a very nice lady and some people sang .. not me as I hadn't got my specs with me and couldn't read the words .. and then we had a cup of tea .. and then we went home.

I think that reminds me of a song but I can only think of a couple of lines

Then Charlie and me had another cup of tea
And then we went home.

I wonder how many songs have been written about a cup of tea.

Thursday 9 October 2008


Well .. off to bed now .. pattering the paws doon the corridor to the land of dreamy dreams. Or, in my case to a good night's zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (hopefully) as I'm a lemuure who doesn't remember her dreams.

Apparently all lemuures dream .. it's just that some lemuures are so fast azzzzzzzzzzzz that they don't remember them when they wake up in the mornings.

Maybe a dream twice a year will be there when I wake up but not many more than ever. This means that I don't need a dreamer's dictionary to look up the meaning of my dreams. Because they are nearly always a secret .. even from me.

What a nice day it was today .. lots of sunshine

Summer is a cumming in .. Loud sing cuckoo
Get the porridge saucepan out
And mix the oats all about
Summer is a coming in
Loud sing cuckoo

Summer is a going out. Loud sing cuckoo
Get the porridge saucepan out
And mix the oats all about
Summer is a going out
Loud sing cuckoo

I hope summer and autumn will be rather similar this year .. summer was quite autumnal at times especially some evenings when a chill breeze blew into town ... brrrr .. times when a certain lemuure thought it might be nice to have taken a cardie out to keep the summer chills at bay.


But for autumn that would be fine with nice sunny days,

I'm hoping for a nice warm summer next year but for this year it'd be nice to have a warmish autumn and a mildish winter and spring with just a few days of coldishness and snows and then ..... SUMMER .. like the one before the two we've just had which were not like summer at all.

Anyway .. now I must patter the paws to bed. No staying up too late at the moment becauseI need to get the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Good zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs