Saturday 26 April 2008

Two Weetabixes

Writing the wrong way round .. sigh .. I'm blogging in the evening instead of blogging in the morning as I said I would.

Things are so complicated at the moment that often I just can't fit the bloggins in to the schedule. The problem is .. I'm tired in the morning and then I'm tired in the evening and tired in between too.

Some people have suggested that I spend too much time a playing fer the joolz that are not joolz .. but what is a lemuure to do if she wants to send the gifties .. only about 300,000 to go til I can do this .. just a couple of years or so ... lol!!! But I will stop playing so long .. but the people they send out the invites to play so I play quite a lot as a lemuure likes t .. sorry must .. but I will cut it down .. and return to the reading and meditations and other things.

I'm a tired lemuure to at the moment .. both the illnesses and the medications make me feel rather tired .. but, still, maybe, just a bit more rest wouldn't be a bad idea .. which means doing the meditations as generally I'm not a good sleeper.

I have the nice National Geographic magazine to read that was there in the hospital shop called Changing Climate. I didn't read it in the hospital as I didn't have me spectetarcles with me though I could see to read but just not as well as I can with them .. best to wait til I got back.

The climate certainly changed while I was in the hospital. It was very cold the morning I went in .... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I said to the ambulance people ... I was surprised that it was so cold. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr ......... shiver ........... brrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

But when I came back it was lovely and warm. I had changed too, running with sweat on my way in while it was freezing cold and then not when it was a lot warmer. I won't go into more graphic details .. but let's just say ... pass the sick bowl please .. though I'm pleased to say that there wasn't an e added to the bowl .. just one way problemos.

I wasn't in time fer the eggy flans this time .. if I had stayed in another day I would have had some of this lovely food but I said I was ok to come back so come back I did .. missing tomorrows flan. I had hardly eaten since Friday but I was still well enough to leave. I'd just had some soup .. irrestistable and a few spoonfuls of veggies and custard. Very nice but I couldn't eat much for most of the time I was there. Though I did have TWO Weetabixes for breakfast the morning I left. It took me a while to get through them .... but who could refuse two!!!!

Thursday 24 April 2008

sugar free

Back from the hospital again. I seem to spend a lot of time there. Was back yesterday but went in again today though as a visitor bearing gifts of sugar free marmalade. Why not ... better than having bread and marge for breakfast. Though you do get the cereals and fruit juice too. If you're diabetic there can be a bit of a problem though and the sugar frees are better for you than other marmalade. It seems that you can't get the sugar frees in the little potties in the hospital.

Anyway, on that note, I will go to bed for the sleepies as I'm a very tired lemuure at the moment and must get some rest.

Very zzzzzzzzz tired zzzzzzzzzzzz etczzzzz zzzz zzz zz z

Friday 18 April 2008

Who knows?

Well ... how confuzzling is that!!! The Gulfie Stream a going this way or a going that ways!!! Is the change in the waters making it undecided about which way to turn . what influences are making it do this. It's not just that it might change direction but it has been suggested that it might stop.

Last year it was doing that .. this year it's doing this .. and next year ... who knows!!!!!

S(n)O(w) what about this winter?

Where did it go? With all the talk about changing currents and mini ice ages why wasn't there piles of snow everywhere through the winter months.

I missed most of the snow this month and just saw a little on the recycling bins for the newspapers on me way back from doing the shoping in the afternoon. Is it possible that I was missing snow all through the winter.

Well, no, I wasn't. There has been very little snow and what a mild winter ... so why is everyone talking about mini ice ages because we've had a couple of days of snow in April? lol.

Could it be, if it wasn't April 1 .. that the tidals have moved the months about a bit and everyone just thought it was April 1st because the weather is so strange. And, that's one thing u can say for sure .. this winter has not been what u would expect.

It's been very mild. It has been very good for me cause it's meant that I've been able to get around a bit .. even on the days with snow this month. - degrees C at night to let the snow settle at times and then temperatures high enough to melt four inches or so of snow during the day. There were temperatures of - degrees at night and then around 8 or 9 degrees C during the day that week!!!!!!!!!

I said to someone that I couldn't remember it being like this before ... having such icy nights followed by such relatively warm days. So warm that so much snow had all but vanished by the time I went out ... well, by the time I got up ... which wasn't that late that day. Amazing!!!!

So, what are our little tidals doing you have to ask yourself. What on earth was going on that week? Freezing cold at night. Brrrrrrrr. Warmish during the day. Hmmmm ..................

Ofcourse, the answer to that, here, is I don't know, cause I haven't asked anyone nor have I been following this years climate change debate. Not only haven't I been the blogging lemuure but I also haven't been reading much the last year or so ... some days I have been reading .. some days I've just been too tired.

Someone told me a week or so ago that the ice is still melting much faster than it was expected to .. but that people are still divided about what this means in the long run.

I would think that the reason for the ice melting faster than expected might be that climate change doesn't just involve the chemicals going into the atmosphere from what we're doing but also the natural rhythms of changes in the earths climate and the two together make it harder to predict..

The truth is as I mentioned when I first started blogging is that there are going to be many surprises .. there's no model that can really account for everything in the changing biosphere.

But, having said that, there is a real result from having the models and that is that the they are pointing us in the right direction .. though not all the effects are predicted from all the causes all the time.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Is there (s)no(w) global warming

Someone said that I'm not such a blooging lemuure theses days .. a bloggging for lemuures everywhere.

It's true I've not been blooging as much as I was's not because I don't have anything to blog about .. gosh!!! a blogging lemuure always has lots to werite about it's just that some of us don't seem to get round to actually doing it.

I am rather a tired lemuure right now and have been having trouble with my keyboard. A non blogging lemuure could always blame her tooljes I suppose but really I just haven't been a blogging as much as I used to before the paws became poorly.

I should be blogging about the global warming because there have been weather problems in Madagascar in the last few years which have been making it difficult for some lemuures living there. I've been trying to find the article I mentioned somewhere else about the global warmings but I seem to have lost it.

Now, I was reading this very late at night .. or, early in the morning really, and was a very sleepy lemuure indeed .. though with the kind of sleepiness where u cannot seem to sleep .. so maybe I got it wrong because I wasn't concentrating very hard .. too tired .. but, then .. it was rather a startling thing to read ... I wish I could remember the date .. but I don't think it was April 1st .. but ... just ... maybe!!

It was while there was snow .. and u just know that when there's a bit of lateish snow or a bit of earlyish snow .. someone is going to write an article saying there is (s)no(w) global warming ... I mean ... just look at all that snow and that's what I found myself reading early that morning.

So, ok ... I was hoping that the zzzzzzz's might be there after reading this ... having read it in various forms over the years zzzzzzzzzz gud night nocturnals I'm a sleeping now ... but, no, I was jolted awake as I read thriough it!!

Could this be true? Could they really be changing the history books and removing all accounts of the mini ice overs of a few centuries back ... when the Thames froze over

Well, this was what I found myself reading. I wondered how this was going to be possible .. all books censored and all papers, films and the internet too. How as this going to happen .. we seemed to be in a police state and I hadn't realised it ... must've happened while I was very, very ill. So .. all mention of the mini ice ages were to be removed. There was much more .. saying how campaignere were always exaggerating everything .. and that nearly ALL of the scientific world would go along with this because there was SOMETHING in it for them!! Whereas if it was a natural occurance there would be nothing.

Ofcourse not .. no planning ahead or trying to estimate what whould happen .. ofcourse not ... or then trying to find ways of limiting the damage to get through it .. or finding out why this could be happening .. ofcourse not .. well, that's what the article suggested .. the science world would be doing none of these things ... very strange .. I always thought they had a paw or two in matters like this.

This article appeared to be written by someone outside of nearly ALL the scientific world and believed that there is no such thing as global warning .. well, infact .. the science world rather wishes there was no use of the words "global" and "warming" together to explain the changes happening and that, instead "climate change" could be used as the warming can actually cause parts of the world to cool.

If the gulf stream changes course because of the effects of climate change then things could get colder.

It is the same effect as what is thought to have caused the mini ice ages in the past .. before oodles of chemicals were pumped into the atmosphere one way or another. And it is possible that there is natural climate change taking place too BUT that is along with any effects that changing ther chemical mix up there might have. You'd think if someone knew about the possibility of natural climate change as well as well .. unnatural climate change .. they'd be backing the scientists, that is most of the scientific community, in researching how to turn back the tides of change so to speak.

Al Gore was mentioned as over doing the warnings. Well, maybe sometimes people could be said to be looking at the worst case scenario. This has been said over and over again .. and like the other articles on this subject ... not on April 1st!!!

I think that it's best possibly just to look at this .. if there is too much of something in the atmosphere that wasn't there before .. something starts to happen. This was suggested by two British scientists back at the end of the 19th century .. who predicted the problems that could arise.

That is it fer tonight .. tired lemuuries must do their pillies and get to bed .. and have a snoutie through the papers .. maybe!!!

Monday 14 April 2008

Gud night

Had to go to the doctors todasy .. to see the nurse. I realised on my way down there that I had got a bit of ice cream and chocoolate on da fur which I hadn't noticed before. When I got there I reassured the nurse that this was the ice cream and chcoolate and not a new lurgy that would mean taking another umpteen pillies of all colours to treat.

I wondered what colours are left .. I have red ones an mauve ones and big deep pink ones .. which amazingly are the ibuprofen but prescription ibuprofen and red ones and turquoise ones and brown ones and white ones.

It's like a rainbow well .. not quite a rainbow if we're gonna be totally accurate.

Anyway .. I don't have time to chat this evening cause I have to go to sleep before twelve or I'll turn into a grumpy lemuure .. or so I'm told.

This is what happens if lemuures don't get enuff rest it seems.

All I can say to that is humph(ery)

And ... I better not say anymore or I'll still be humph(erying) in the morning.

Gud night

Sunday 6 April 2008

Good evening .. good night and good morning

Well, I was going to go out this evening .. probably best that I didn't cos I might've got the wet from the snow. When did it start .. when did it finish!!! Would I have taken my umbrella.
There was about four inches of snow here the night before .. falling while I was asleep .. mostly melted when I was up and about again.

Can u believe that!!! Four inches of snow!!!! And all I saw was a little bit that was left on a wall .. hardly enuff to make a snow lemuure with. Too late anyway because it was melting too.

I didn't go out because I fell asleep for about five hours .. didnae wake up to hear the phone ringing
Just a fast asleep lemuure.

Then back to bed ... and then up again and now back to bed again.

Good evening .. good night .. good morning.

Time to sleep again.

Saturday 5 April 2008

The languages

Well .. well ..... well the languages are on da agendas. I 'ave the nieue friendz. La la!! le le!! les les!! la la.

This ees gonna be tres difficile as nous parles just a teeny bitz of de languages deze jours en sometimes gets the languages a bit mixed up!!!

This is all gonna change it seems ... and like maintenent!!!

Why oh why did je think it would all be about looking after the rainies in de rainbow rescues and things like dat. I was there to be a committed and dedicated rainbow rescuing lemuure.

En voila!!!! It seems we r doing this in many places in the world in the different languages. Lemuures it seems we might 'av' to be learning the nieue languages.

So la la le le les les la la

Wot fun this could be.

We need to be getting the nieue computerers into the ecolejes now that the vouchers r back agin. Auntie John might be collecting or the mama or papa in the queue behind you and ofcourse the people there too at lots of times to have this going on.

Maybe the childeren will be learning the many languages of everywhere.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Off 2 sleep

I have to say that Kwacker and Piglet are very quick at the gamies!!! How they move so quickly I do not know .. I've only got to the really really high score ONCE .. don't ask me what I did differently that time cause I don't know and almost fell off me chair when I saw my score!!!! My good friend Ted (Bear) also pads the paws very quickly and has got many of these joolz and can change the furstyles to whatever she wants and has the animated messages and the gifts to send. One day in the very distant future I will be able to send people the animated messages and gifts too.

I doubt if I'll ever have enuff of the joolz for a blog but maybe just as well ... as I can't keep up with the bloggings here.

The site is very good for those who are learning the languages because you can play the word games in different languages .. I think u click on the flag of the country u want 2 play in and off u go. But ... obviously .. not all the languages ... not even the 40 they r learning in that skool. You can not play in text speak there and they will give u NIL POINTS if u do.

I'm such a tired Lemuure that I fell asleep earlier on. Fast asleep without even padding the paws to bed .. just a sitting on the sofa. So it's late to bed .. but not so late to sleep cause I've already started that and managed an hour or two earlier on.

But I'm going back to get more sleep now.

zzzzzzzzzzzzz snore zzzz snore zzz

zzz zzzzz snore zzzzzzzz zzz zzzz

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzzzz zz zz

snore zzz snore zzz snore zzz