Monday 17 March 2008

Don't do this at home

Not long ago I had a problemo with one of my tooffs and one of those mini mini bite size bites of Oatibix. Be careful other lemuures because these Oatibixes can be bad news for the tooffs though good news it seems too.

A little while ago I'd poured my Oatibixes .. I think they might be a bit like dried porrage with added extras ... into my bowl and added the chocolate soya milk and waited for it to all soggy up and be ready to eat. I ate a couple of spoonfuls ... so far .. So Good (a little play on words for all the UK soya milk drinkers reading). Then I bit into an oatibix that was only a little soft bwcause it hadn't absorbed enuff milk .. and er .. a bit of me tooff was almost part of me breakfasting.

I was a very annoyed lemuure. I'd thought that these Oatibixes weren't quite the same as other packets I'd had before. This Oatibix should've been called an Oatibrickx it was so hard. Anyway I phoned a few dentists but decided to wait til I got back to London before having it sorted. It's not a big deal.

And I'm glad I did. My lip was still having problems healing totally. T'was just a tiny bit but I guess the movement from eating and talking was getting in the way of it healing. But now there was much improvement .. the top layer of skin was staying on longer though it wouldn't stay .. to start off with. But, it hadn't done this for a year or so when it had gone in the first place. There are seven layers of skin and while some seemed ok and held in place this top layer would not stay put. If it seemed to grow a little red line would appear round it separating it from the rest of the skin and off it would go ... generally in the morning when I woke up and started doing things again.

Anyway this had continued for about a year .. didn't matter what dosage of steroids and steroid replacing medication I was on .. it just stayed the same and I was wondering if it'd ever heal. I suppose it wasn't that much of a big deal but it would be better if it did mend.

After me problemo with the oatibixxie this changed and I'm happy to report no little red lines and only six out of seven layers. I now have the full seven layers all the time. In the morning .. through the day .. in the evening .. and through the night. etc. etc etc.. ad infini ... tum.

I am now very careful with the Oatibixes.