Friday 21 March 2008

Dusting the desk

Well .... I finally got the links to link to the pages. Why oh why did one page want to keep two instead of one letter .. could it be that my keyboard is a bit on the sticky side. It has been doing it's own thing for a couple of days now and probably needs a bit of a bath though with the duster and not the pepsi this time.

Do I remember when I put the paracetamol a fizzing in the glass next to the keyboard ... and it fizzed too much cause of the diet pepsi. s .. pl ... aa .... shhhhhhhhhhhh..


I will give the keyboard a little clean if it gets any worse .. though it might be because I've been typing on the floor on top of some papers.

We shall see .. possibly the best thing to do is to move it and try again.

Music and strokes and healing

I love music .. and even though the eardrums aren't as good as they once were it still means a lot to me. But, I don't listen as much as I should .. infact very rarely. It is good for you and it's been found that listening to music after you've had a stroke can minimise the damage.

I will potter off to try and find the linkje.

I have found and brought back these:

and, excuse me a minute while I go and find Oliver Sachs who has a lot to say about music and healing.

We have had the other music that you could listen to through the headphones for the relaxing meditation and now we have this where you can choose your own music which with other therapies could help you heal.

Early to zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Easter is here and brings with it the chocoolate. I have the organic chocoolate this year .. in a sort of flat egg shape .. but oblong instead of oval. Usually I have the little Green and Blacks vegan Easter Egg ... dark chocoolate with no little eggies ... but this year I find I have something totally different.

I am not quite sure what this symbolises but maybe the opening of the door to a new beginning as it is door rather than egg shaped but is still the Easter egg gift.

I will probably be the staying in lemuure this Easter as it is going to be cold. Maybe just out a little .. but maybe not. I have a little cold and must look after myself better.

Things seem to be improving slowly though I have to be more careful and eat properly and get enough sleep. It is so easy when you're a sleepy lemuure not to go to bed though just because you are too sleepy to get up from the chair and potter off.

It seems that lots of us have this problem. You get too tired to go to bed so you sit there and you sit there and you sit there and say I'll go to bed soon ... but, you carry on sitting there and sitting there and sitting there. I snoozed off very early last night while I was still up ... this was lucky cause it meant that I did get enuff sleep.

Tonight I have said that I'll try and be in bed and a snoozerooing by 12. I have taken my medicines to fit in with this. I might even turn in early and take a book to read.

Last night the wind was blowing and the weather was very stormy awhistling round the roofs and a lashing the rain. Tonight there is the winds blowing again so maybe after the dinner it'll be nice to tuck the tail around early and read a book.

I might read the New Scientist which is my favourite magazine. I will think of that and try to get to the bed earlier and then when read ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Or even a bit of a book as well if I get there early enough.

Perhaps trying to tuck the tail around earlier isn't so difficult after all.

Wednesday 19 March 2008


What to do .... read a bit of the bag or chat to people or play a few games .. or go to bed earlier than I need to.

Well, I'm going to be the good lemuure and potter off to bed.

How things change ... instead of having people telling me to go to bed I'm a now asking them to remind me that it's best for certain lemuures to wrap the tail around and potter off to their bed before the clock strikes midnight. Otherwise they're going to be very tired lemuures indeed.

Even if I don't get to sleep it's best if I potter off to bed and rest. I can do the meditations a lying down and rest the brain for a while. It seems that meditation can help those of us who find it difficult to sleep.

Soon I'll be asking for more reminders ... but to potter off to the world of dreamy dreams before twelve will do for now.

Monday 17 March 2008

Yogurt, calcium pill .... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Oh well, as a poorly paw pawed lemuure I have to go to bed .... now, it seems. As soon as I have eaten my yogurt I am off to the land of dreams again. I have taken the medication and had my dinner except for the yogurt and calcium pill. Once I have had them I have to turn in.

So, gud night.


Don't do this at home

Not long ago I had a problemo with one of my tooffs and one of those mini mini bite size bites of Oatibix. Be careful other lemuures because these Oatibixes can be bad news for the tooffs though good news it seems too.

A little while ago I'd poured my Oatibixes .. I think they might be a bit like dried porrage with added extras ... into my bowl and added the chocolate soya milk and waited for it to all soggy up and be ready to eat. I ate a couple of spoonfuls ... so far .. So Good (a little play on words for all the UK soya milk drinkers reading). Then I bit into an oatibix that was only a little soft bwcause it hadn't absorbed enuff milk .. and er .. a bit of me tooff was almost part of me breakfasting.

I was a very annoyed lemuure. I'd thought that these Oatibixes weren't quite the same as other packets I'd had before. This Oatibix should've been called an Oatibrickx it was so hard. Anyway I phoned a few dentists but decided to wait til I got back to London before having it sorted. It's not a big deal.

And I'm glad I did. My lip was still having problems healing totally. T'was just a tiny bit but I guess the movement from eating and talking was getting in the way of it healing. But now there was much improvement .. the top layer of skin was staying on longer though it wouldn't stay .. to start off with. But, it hadn't done this for a year or so when it had gone in the first place. There are seven layers of skin and while some seemed ok and held in place this top layer would not stay put. If it seemed to grow a little red line would appear round it separating it from the rest of the skin and off it would go ... generally in the morning when I woke up and started doing things again.

Anyway this had continued for about a year .. didn't matter what dosage of steroids and steroid replacing medication I was on .. it just stayed the same and I was wondering if it'd ever heal. I suppose it wasn't that much of a big deal but it would be better if it did mend.

After me problemo with the oatibixxie this changed and I'm happy to report no little red lines and only six out of seven layers. I now have the full seven layers all the time. In the morning .. through the day .. in the evening .. and through the night. etc. etc etc.. ad infini ... tum.

I am now very careful with the Oatibixes.

Sunday 16 March 2008

A new challenge ...

Up, fed and have taken my medicines. And have played my first challenge off which is where someone invites u to play the mahjoongs or other games. I have one more of these challenge offs to play at a game I haven't played before and don't know how to play.

Should I read the rules first or not or would it be more fun just to click and play.

Actually this one is to play with a friend so that I can see the new graphics she's got by going up to a new level.

Don't get over 10,000 she says. Well, I'll try my best not to.

To be honest I don't see this game lasting very long. I didnae win the other one either .. the paws click slowly these days.

I have played the practice tournaments and sometimes win and sometimes lose .. but I don't mind either way .. I have the joolz to play with the avatar .. a changing the fur and the hats and spectetarcles a bit .. and this makes me a contented lemuure.

Saturday 15 March 2008

Sunday morning

I am off to snooze in the right place tonight ... at the right time ... well .... more or less
and sort of. It is not good to sleep sitting up on the sofa I am told .. though better than not sleeping at all. Tomorrow is Sunday so what does a particular lemuure have to remember to do before doing anything else??????????

Sunday is the once a week pill time .... before a cup of cha ... before a slice of toasts .... before a bowl of porridge or weetabixes. It's just as well we're allowed the water .. infact we have to have a glass of water and not just the little sips .. lotsa lotsa water .... and just one pill.

Then I'm not allowed to lie down again for half an hour but must sit up or walk around.

After half an hour I can have a cup of tea or even have a slice of toasties and marmalade and porridge.

And if I want to can lie down and snoozeroo again.

Lots of people take this pill. I've spoken to quite a few people both in and out of the hospital who do. In the Marks and Spencers .. in the Tescos .. in the Boots .. in the Sainsburys it seems there are lots of people who have to take this once a week pill .. not lying down for half an hour and drinking nothing but water and no breakfasts for the half hour.

Off I go to snoozeroo.

Off to the sleepy times

zzzzzz la laaaa z z la la

Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

xxxx zz zz xxxxx zz zz

Er sleeeepy time humming song.

Gud night.


Thursday 6 March 2008

Well, the paws had to be padded back to the hospital on Sunday. I was not the well lemuure at all and had to call an ambulance to get to A and E. When we got there I had to go to the side room to wait for the doctors and nurses to come and see me. After talking and examinations I was taken to the 48 hour ward which is an admission ward. I don't think I have been to that one before ... usually I seem to skip this and go straight to one of the other wards .. this maybe because I'm often admitted by the team from BAD ... the British Association of Dermatologists rather than through A and E.

Off to the ward I went. They had given me the pain medicines earlier but I was not the well lemuure. Not at all but they soon had this in hand and I was given the pillies to make me feel better. Some of these and some of those ... a bit of this and a bit of that.

The pillies soon helped and I was the feeling better lemuure again. I have to say that everyone was wonderful .. the doctors, nurses, student nurses and assistants couldn't've been better.

Then it was time to go. The doctor said there would be a bed in one of the other wards that day and it was mine so I left the 48 hour ward for another ward a feeling a lot better.

Hello I said. Hello they said. I'd stayed here twice before and knew the nurses. Again looked after very well and am waiting to see what the doctor will say now.

And .... the soup and porridge? What can a lemuure say????? I had not been eating so had to miss these treats when I arrived and I still couldn't manage much but I tested the porridge for breakfast. And then, for tea, I had the souppie ... vegetable and, then, yesterday, the tomato. Two bowls of the lovely tomato. I was the lucky lemuure and there had been some trays left over and spare soup. I could not say no. Sandwiches and pudding had been rather difficult to eat ... but two bowlies of tomato soup?????????? This was a treat that could not be turned down.