Sunday 5 August 2007

Mini quizzes

I have been doing the mini quizzes again.

What flavour porridge do you like the best?





You know the kind of thing.

Which tree do you think is the best to curl up into at night?





What tattoo would you want on your tail?


John Cleese

A tomato

A wellington boot


The usual stuff.

No surprises when I found out that I was a Harry Potter obsessed lemurre whose dream in life is to spend at least a month at Southend every month. Wants to be a henna tattooist in life and be an aunt to 53 lemmuries. That my favourite shoes are the flippy floppies and my favourite country Alaska. That my favourite food is the holly leaf and my least favourite food is porridge.

Though the food one must've been a trick question cause there are no porridge trees so you get a back to front answer and my favourite food is porridge and really I don't think I would really like holly leaves for breakfast

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Up on the roof

Still sleeping l..o..n..g nights. But I take the hour before brekkies pills in with me at night now so I can take them before I get up. As the sleepiness after taking the first lot of pillies lasts about an hour and I have to wait an hour before eating after taking the steroid sparings it all kinda works out pretty well.

Mark them off there, mark them off here. Sigh!!!!! I wasn't keen on taking the steroid sparings earlier before because of the marking off but with the extra book it works out fine.

You get it worked out in the end. As I suppose they will the globally warming buildings. It seems a bit strange that when there's the technology to do this it's not being talked about that much. You'd think they'd want to tell everyone. I think we here have been advised to have roof gardens. Turf your roofs.. I think because that wasn't discussed much either. Not being much of a gardener I'm not quite sure how that would work ... how would the grass stay there and who would mow it.

Could you grow the tomatoes like on the window sill or even the desk. I'm told the home grown tomatoes are very nice ... even the desk grown ones. Next year .... hey!!!!!

Though I think it may be not that easy on the roof as it slopes but maybe the government'll be giving us gardening lessons for the grassy rooves.

How to attach the grass to the roof
How to mow up and down
Can we grow our own fruit and veg up there
How to water it if it gets a bit dry

We need to be told because I can't really work it out but then maybe most lemuuries have flat roofs and it's easier for them.

Just not here.

Tuesday 31 July 2007

I'm still a very tired lemuure. The sun's out and it would be nice to go out to sit in the park for a while but I think time out must be spent just getting the groceries sorted out and then coming back to have a rest.

I have a summer cold. Aaaaaa......t ... t....ishoooooooooooooooo. Actually just a tiny sneeze ........ more ..... atishu!!! .... but it can still make you feel as if you're curled up in the grumpy bear's den.

Still, the sun is out and it's a nice day. Whoops .. it's just gone in again. Seems there are still a lot of clouds floating about out there too. But, still, we have our sunshiney day at last. We would like a few more.

But for this one a lemuure has to rest. Not the best timing but it's nice to feel the sun's warmth. This isn't as bad as earlier colds though ... just sssshhhhhh .... a lot of sleepiness.

Saturday 28 July 2007

Not much sunshine

So, I was hoping that today would have the sunshine peeping out from behind the clouds. Well, it did a little but not really enough to make it a bright sunshiney day.

At least it didn't rain much though .... though I can hear the rain splashing as the cars go past now. The paws got a little on the wet side while I was out too.

Yes, it rained again today and I was out in it. Just a smittering and just a smattering though and the paws didn't get too wet as I pottered out.

I'd been expecting more this type of weather.

Though I don't know that this'll be so wise with the globally warmings warnings.

I was reading New Scientist yesterday and was interested in the housing article about using known technology to reduce the impact of building emissions. It suggested that some governments needed to be looking into this and to exchange old style norms for the new.


"To see what a different direction might look like, consider the homes built in recent years to Europe's "passive house" standard. By carefully sealing all joints, using high quality insulation and positioning windows to make the most of sunlight, passive houses can be heated using around a tenth as much energy as the average dwelling. 'I can usually heat the house using 10 candles,' says Katrin Klingenberg, an architect who built and lives in a passive house in Urbana, Illinois, where winter btemperatures regularly drop below -10C.

That translates into up to 65% less emissions per house, depending on the energy source."

"The savings get even bigger when you include other measures such as replacing traditional incandescent lightbulbs and old electric water heaters with more efficient alternatives."

The article also states that 5000 passive houses are being built in Europe every year and almost 4000 existing homes are being renovated to the same standard.

The savings alone will knock 14% off residential emissions in 2020 according to a report published by a consortium of European building researchers.

I can't remember how much of this was a part of the findings discussed in the US mag I discussed before I became so ill. The report mentioned here has come out since. The article there stated that firms who had implimented certain technologies had actually found them cost effective but it seems that the US is now undermining this gain.

On a commercial level the article says by changing the way buildings are ventilated there could be a saving of 60% of energy used ...... now. It seems there are many things that could be done now using technologies that are here rather than looking into point blank in the future.

I magine other technologies will be developed along the way. Hopefully energy saving will always be a priority.

Wonders what weather'll be like tomorrow. I know it's unseasonably hot in parts of the US and Australia ... lots 'n' lots of sun then!!!!

Actually I'm a lemuure who doesn't want it too hot right now and certainly won't be Heinzing it soaking up the rays. How tempting it looks though. Not, ofcourse that there's any sun so I suppose I could go out if this continues and cloudbathe for a while, though in my condition I have to remember that those cloudies don't stop all the sun's rays coming through and as an ill lemuure I still have to think about this very carefully indeed.

Wednesday 11 July 2007


Well, off to heat up the oven to heat up the dinner. Pills taken. Got some groceries in though my first walk out was a bit painful. Second time around it wasn't so bad!!!

Ik ben ziek.

Ik heb de pijn.

That is fer the leemuurjes on holiday in Hamsterdam. You just never know if the paws will be poorly or not.

I have left my doctor behind me.


You'll find that a lot of people there speak English better than I do so you can speak the bi lingual and people'll be able to help and speak English back to you. But a little bit of Dutch extends the paw of friendship.

And hamsters and lemuures can dance the day away.

Sunday 8 July 2007

The manuka honey

is very good for lemuures. Well, maybe ...... very good for lemuures with phlegmn!!

And lemuures do have pharmacies but there pharmacies are in the forests and wild places:

As it says some things do not appear to be what they seem at first so please don't try to find the medicines for yourselves.

But in Tesco and Holland and Barrett it is a different story providing you have a little chat with the doctor first. Herbs are medicine as lemuures have said before.

St John's Wort is a good example of this and you should ask your doctor before taking herbal remedies if you are taking orthodox medicines too.

The honey is good. and another lemuureAnd very good it seems for lemures on steroids .. when they need antiseptics for colds.

There is a contra indication though and this is to keep it off the fur. If you can't you're going to end up one very sticky lemuure. Paws will stick to paws and even when disentangled honeyed paws can still be very sticky.

Oh, yes.

Non stick paws

Tuesday 3 July 2007

I think it's gonna rain today

What a nice start to the day. No rain for a change. Just wispy white clouds drifting by on a blue sky. Perhaps the weather forecasters will have something else to say though and change the day completely.

Sigh, I thought so ........... the rains are coming our way. Why should it be any different from any other day.

Summer is here.

Still, I'm a lemuure who has to stay in a lot now and the rain is on the outside and I'm on the inside. Though, in the past couple of weeks there's been no avoiding the rain and I've padded the paws around town in and out of the puddlies and off to search out dinner in Tesco.

And what do you know .. you look out of the window again and there are more clouds and more and more clouds and more and more and more clouds outside the windows.

And the day is ready to begin.

But, this isn't as bad as it seems because we've been promised sun and still have that to look forward to later in the day.

Hopefully it'll be nice and dry when I potter off down to see the doctor.

Monday 25 June 2007

A slightly damp lemuure potters in to the blogosphere

It seems to be raining almost everyday here at the moment. I was out for a short walk ... and you'll never guess what .... more rain. Not just a shower but buckets of the stuff. Luckily I had my little umbrella with me so the fur didn't get too wet and I didn't have too far to go.

I suppose it wasn't too good for the poorly paw paws to be out splashing through the puddles but we still splished and splashed our way back here happily. But, no dancing round the lamp posts like Gene Kelly would've done.

I've done that before but at the moment the poorly paw paws get in the way, not to mention my little rucksack. Gene Kelly didn't have one of those because he wasn't bringing his dinner home that afternoon.

But ....

Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeeeeeeling
I'm happy again.

And .. what's fer dinner?

Vegetable cottage pie.

Soon we'll be making these for ourselves with the soya mince, tinned tomatoes and onions and topped with the instant mash.

I am not a good cook to say the least but I'm looking forward to doing these.

A very warming meal after coming in wet from being caught in the heavy rain

Sunday 24 June 2007

Pottering off

Well, a bit late. Tomorrow I hope to get it all sorted out and pad the paws to bed on time .. then I can get up on time too.

Spent my time listening to Van Morrison and clicking the free clicks .. which I had not done today.

So pottered over to


Some days I forget. Today was one of them.

And now it's time, pillies taken, to potter off to the isle of dreams.

Not that I remember mine.

Creatures of the night?

If only I could pad these paws to bed. But I'm late taking the pillocks and have to stay up late to get the last dose of one in for today. Usually it's the other way round and I'm a day time lemuure who likes to slip over into the nocturnals.

Not getting too psychological about this but it probably goes back to my lemuurejehood when my best friend was a nocturnal lemuure. We met at twilight and mum used to let me stay up late to play. I've always thought it would be nice to be nocturnal and day time too ofcourse but I guess even a want to be nocturnal daytime lemuure has to pad the paws to bed sometime.

Daytime? Nightime?

I wonder if it's only lemuuries who have this problem. Half of you sleep at night. The other lot sleep during the day.

We're called after spirits of the night cause lemures is latin for nocturnal spirits. Wonder what happened there. Didn't anyone notice that we weren't all up at night then. Or, were we?

Still, here I am sitting up waiting to take the pills. Not that long to go now then I can turn in for the night.

Saturday 23 June 2007


Well, I've bought a tin of the mandarines from The Works and one from Tescos too. The Works tin is flat and round like a flat tin of pineapple slices and .. er .. the Tesco one is like a round and taller tin of mandarines.

How different can mandarinjes be? In one tin you get a cd and a round booklet (with a few piccies) teaching you 300 words of mandarines. Which works out at near enough 1p a word. Can't remember how much the Tescos mandarinies are but anyway I'm not going to count the segments and work the comparable pricing out like they probably would at the Tescos because a particular lemuure isn't well enough for that right now. This lemuure isn't up to much right now to be honest. 300 words could take a while. But The Works always comes up trumps when I want something to do.

So learning the mandarines is what this lemuure is going to do for a while. I think 300 words (mainly in phrases) is enough for a very poorly lemuure.

The Works mandarines

Tesco's mandarines

Ofourse over on the beeb site u can browse many languages

including the Nederlandsjies .. though only a few wordjes of this

But if this seems irrestistable to u I eventually noticed that not only was that site trying to tempt u with mandarines but also wiv de Nederlandsjies.

At the new home

I have moved ... blogwise that is. The other move'll be taking place when the poorly paw paws and the rest of a poorly lemuure are back padding the road to health again.

My old blogosphere address is

Just trying out the moving I suppose.

Actually, there was a bit of a problemo and this seemed the easiest way to sort it out at the moment so here I am at my new address. Though when I move the poorly paw paws southwards I will be returning to an old address. So, maybe, later on, I'll return to my old blogosphere address too.

But, fer now, here we are at a new address in the blogosphere.