Tuesday 31 July 2007

I'm still a very tired lemuure. The sun's out and it would be nice to go out to sit in the park for a while but I think time out must be spent just getting the groceries sorted out and then coming back to have a rest.

I have a summer cold. Aaaaaa......t ... t....ishoooooooooooooooo. Actually just a tiny sneeze ........ more ..... atishu!!! .... but it can still make you feel as if you're curled up in the grumpy bear's den.

Still, the sun is out and it's a nice day. Whoops .. it's just gone in again. Seems there are still a lot of clouds floating about out there too. But, still, we have our sunshiney day at last. We would like a few more.

But for this one a lemuure has to rest. Not the best timing but it's nice to feel the sun's warmth. This isn't as bad as earlier colds though ... just sssshhhhhh .... a lot of sleepiness.