Saturday 28 July 2007

Not much sunshine

So, I was hoping that today would have the sunshine peeping out from behind the clouds. Well, it did a little but not really enough to make it a bright sunshiney day.

At least it didn't rain much though .... though I can hear the rain splashing as the cars go past now. The paws got a little on the wet side while I was out too.

Yes, it rained again today and I was out in it. Just a smittering and just a smattering though and the paws didn't get too wet as I pottered out.

I'd been expecting more this type of weather.

Though I don't know that this'll be so wise with the globally warmings warnings.

I was reading New Scientist yesterday and was interested in the housing article about using known technology to reduce the impact of building emissions. It suggested that some governments needed to be looking into this and to exchange old style norms for the new.


"To see what a different direction might look like, consider the homes built in recent years to Europe's "passive house" standard. By carefully sealing all joints, using high quality insulation and positioning windows to make the most of sunlight, passive houses can be heated using around a tenth as much energy as the average dwelling. 'I can usually heat the house using 10 candles,' says Katrin Klingenberg, an architect who built and lives in a passive house in Urbana, Illinois, where winter btemperatures regularly drop below -10C.

That translates into up to 65% less emissions per house, depending on the energy source."

"The savings get even bigger when you include other measures such as replacing traditional incandescent lightbulbs and old electric water heaters with more efficient alternatives."

The article also states that 5000 passive houses are being built in Europe every year and almost 4000 existing homes are being renovated to the same standard.

The savings alone will knock 14% off residential emissions in 2020 according to a report published by a consortium of European building researchers.

I can't remember how much of this was a part of the findings discussed in the US mag I discussed before I became so ill. The report mentioned here has come out since. The article there stated that firms who had implimented certain technologies had actually found them cost effective but it seems that the US is now undermining this gain.

On a commercial level the article says by changing the way buildings are ventilated there could be a saving of 60% of energy used ...... now. It seems there are many things that could be done now using technologies that are here rather than looking into point blank in the future.

I magine other technologies will be developed along the way. Hopefully energy saving will always be a priority.

Wonders what weather'll be like tomorrow. I know it's unseasonably hot in parts of the US and Australia ... lots 'n' lots of sun then!!!!

Actually I'm a lemuure who doesn't want it too hot right now and certainly won't be Heinzing it soaking up the rays. How tempting it looks though. Not, ofcourse that there's any sun so I suppose I could go out if this continues and cloudbathe for a while, though in my condition I have to remember that those cloudies don't stop all the sun's rays coming through and as an ill lemuure I still have to think about this very carefully indeed.