Thursday 27 August 2009

Tea poetry

Lemuure asked if I would write a poem about tea. I suppose tea is good to write poems about cause it rhymes with me and see and Glasgie,

But .. the muse has deserted me .. not that I could ever write poetry. Oh, gosh everything's rhyming automatically!!!!

But not very poetically .. and so far .. nothing about tea. But. anyway, are muses just for poetry cause if they are I don't think Paddington ever arrived, let alone pottered off .

Oh Paddington where are you?

Near Ladbroke Grove maybe?

I left you a long time ago

And now it seems you've padded those furry paws

A long way away away from me.

Where are those paws dripping marmalade across the page?

Away in Tennesse?

Well, it rhymes with me

And it's quite near Peru

So I wonder as you do

If the muse has packed his suitcase and padded off to Aunt Lucee

Where she might make them a South American Yogi Bear Choco brew.

Though to be honest I don't think I could write poetry if I had a thousand Paddingtons to inspire me.

Anyway, a poem for Lemuure and everyone about tea. I wrote in rhyme so that people would know it's poetry though you can get poetry that doesn't rhyme. What kind of poetry is that? I don't know not being a poet or someone that reads poetry. It might be called free verse or it might not .. that might be about rhythm and not rhyming.

I guess the wikipedias might tell us.


You can write lots of different kinds of poetry. I haven't read the wikipedia article yet but was wondering if I could just write one word and it would still be a poem.








or .. could this be a poen?

Green tea

With water

Isn't Cokie Cola

Though it


Be still.

Tea poetry from uncle john.

And now ..............

Uncle John loves windmills .. he says how relaxing it would be to dry ur socks on them and watch them go round and round. You would have to adapt it a bit ofcourse .. but maybe we could build one in the back garden for him or on the roof and power the house as well as dry socks. I don't know anything about green power but there must be a way

Uncle John says that you have to be very careful with roof windmills cause they can lauch the house into orbit. He knows thos cause he once built a model started the windmill up mechanically through lack of wind amd the whole house took off. Hw said in if there was a hurricane you might very well find yourself in space and therefore it's always a good idea to have extra food and oxygen in.

Well, I never knew that

I think he's a total hippy at heart .. making models of windpowered houses and look how quickly he took to herbal teas. He has more tea bags than socks now.

Do you know if you can use a teabag more than once or do you get all the goodness out of them in a few minutes. A friend told me that when he was young they sometimes used the same teabags for most of the day. This was for your cuppas and really there wasn't much if any taste left by the end of the day though it seems they still enjoyed their cuppas.

And. now's the time to say goodnight .. goodnight

My. gosh, and it was too .. what a clever little song.

They're cuming to take us away ha ha

They're cuming to take me away ha ha he he ha ha he he ha ha .. um .. he he ha ha.

To the place where you can smell the car fumes when you sniff the air and where there's this kinda smell in your hair.

They're cuming to take me away ha ha he he ha ha he he.


Where there's lots of parks and commons and greens

And lots of windmills now it seems.

Up Brixton Hill there's a couple and on Clapham Common there's another.

Though only one has sails that go round and round

But at the others you can listen to sounds,

They're cumin to take me away ... hahahehehahaha

To a place down there where windymills are everywhere

They're cuming to take us away hahahehehahahehehaha

Anyway, I've still got some sorting to do and dinner to cook, sorry, heat up.

So will sign off til laters.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Paws out of the compost

The tea is packed and the sockkies too. What muure could a lemuure need. Well, except a book on compost we found at The Works. Umcle John tells me that it has a chapter on compost tea. Well, I never .. I've never heard of that one before .. they certainly don't sell it at Holland and Bassetts. Maybe it doesn't sell that well. Or. maybe it's something to do with European laws. I don't know about the comissions keeping their snouts out of our vitamins but they should certainly keep their paws out of the compost.

Monday 24 August 2009

Golden Animals

Our favourite band at the moment is Golden Animals .. described as psychedelic/blues/grunge influenced.

Uncle John said he couldn't believe we've missed them in Birmingham and Brixton. Was a wondering if that was the actual windmill in Brixtonium or the Windmill pub on Clapham common.

Still, they've been and gone.

I was wondering whether we should send them a teabag to thank them for their music. Well, two teabags .. one each. But which flavours would they like .. Uncle John wants to send them liquorice tea but I want to send white tea flavoured with orange .. I was going to send them the tea with raspberries but then thought they might think I didn't like their music really .. sigh.

Decisions .. decisions .. and then we have to choose the wrapping paper.

They're my favourite band right now.

The very lovely Golden Animals .. the videos are at the top of the page.

Maybe Uncle John could knit them a badger too.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Saying bye fer now, fer now

Today Uncle John and I and the rest of the troupe have been packing up our teabags ready for the big adventure as the day gets nearer when we leave for London. Uncle John has been making sure that not a teabag is left unpacked and that he doesn't forget any of his sock badgers or badger socks.

We are leaving in a few days time. Auntie John has been going round giving friends a goodbye teabag but it's not really goodbye just au revoiries til we get on the interknittings are weave our web again. It will be different but we have the emails and bloggies and tekephonies and we will be saying hi again almost as soon as we say goodbye .. fer .. now .. fer .. now.

Friday 21 August 2009


Just one of those night times where I'm popping in to say goodnight and then going to bed, It's late and my eyelids and tail are begining to droop and the occasional zzzz is becoming more of a ZZZZZZZZZ so if I don't potter off soon I'll be sleeping on the sofa because I was too tired to potter the paws to bed.

Had a nice day making avatars .. giant ones with space castles and space bunnies. It was lots of fun but oh gosh am I a sleepy lemuure .. I can hardly stay awake to type.

I've drunk my night time tea so off to bed now.

Good night Uncle John .. a snorty snore snore snort snort snort.


Time to turn in.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Socks or sock

Talking about Uncle John he says he'd like to blog about memory and socks with a bit of compost thrown in.

And will start soon.

Maybe he should snoore the sleeping song for us as well.


I must sing the zzzzzz song and go to bed

Last night I fell asleep on the sofa after singing the sleepy song with Uncle John .. think it was his snoooooooooore that did it. Maybe I'll ask him to record a few verses for me to play before I'm all tucked in at night.

Monday 17 August 2009

Gud night fer now

Off to bed .. have done some yogaring bendy stretchy exercices, drank my nightcap and sang the lemuure goodnight song with Uncle John. I thought he'd gone to sleep when he snored cause I'd forgotten there was a snore at the end of it.

Anyway off to bed

Sunday 16 August 2009

Good nightzzzzzzzzzz

Anyway padding the paws to bed again very soon. Have drunk my tea and it's time to sleep .

But just wanted to say good nightzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday 15 August 2009


Time to potter off to sleep again. I was going to write more but it's late and I'm a sleeeeeepy lemuure.

So off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

No time to blog but I will sing the sleept lemuure song before I go.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz zz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snort zz zz zzzzzzzz.

Zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


It's said that a few choruses of this will soon rest the mind and help a lemuure drift off to sleep. You can make up your own verses as you go along ofcourse.

So off I potter to the land of dreamy dreams again.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zz snort zzzzzzz zzz


Friday 14 August 2009

Learn what to do about the flu!!!!

Off to bed soon .. waiting for me tea to cool again. Hoping that a little non nose picking won't set evolution back too far while we wait for the flu ro go.

I suppose lemuures should bring out a video game based on evolution and nose picking and the flu. Too late now I suppose .. but The Netherlands has brought out a video game to help people understand the flu .. as far as I know there aren't any cameras up nostrils or anything like that .. but then I haven't really played it yet.

Here it is for those who want to know how far up the nose it goes in its investigation of the fnu fnu. There's another one after this and then a simple little catch your sneeze and wash your hands game.

Another flu game to help understand how flu mutates and the problems it cases is here

Catch ur sneezes .. wash ur hands. You don't just wash your hands to wash away the flu virus but also because warm soapy water damages the flu particle's outer membrane so that it stops being active. This takes about 30 seconds so don't rinse too quickly.

Wednesday 12 August 2009


The nose picking theory is that strengthens your immune system .. because all that gunk is being dealt with it everytime you pick and ......... !!!

Other docs believe that nose picking etc doesn't help at all.

Whatever you believe at moment it would be better to leave nose picking for a while as it could spread flu viruses before you know you've got them.

Scientists seem very interested in finding out the truth behind nose picking though as it was even in a Science Museum book I looked through and it's mentioned in books for all ages. And New Scientist

What a mystery.

But I don't think we'll be doing any experiments to furthur science.

Oh .. gosh .. and I've mentioned it too!!!!

Tuesday 11 August 2009


Waiting for my nightcap to cool again so that I can go to bed. I've been looking at the science books and the last copy of New Scientist and it seems that nostrils are big news in the science world .. especially nostrils with fingers up them.

Ofcourse it's not a good idea to pick noses at the moment .. because there could be lots of bugs up the nostrils and people don't want to catch the bugs or give them to other people.

But .. the science books are full of stories of nostrils with fingers up them because scientits believe that sticking your finger up your nose could've been a major point in human evolution and maybe lemuure evolution too as lemuures have noses and fingers .. and, yes, have been known to stick their fingers up the nose just like people.

I'll have to carry on with this in the morning as mu nightcap is cool and it's time to pad the paws to bed again.

Monday 10 August 2009

Tubing hedgehogs

I was in Waterstones looking for books on compost for young Bertrand when I came across some very interesting scientific books for younger lemuures by Mitchel Symons .. How Much Poo Does An Elephant Do and Why Eating Boggies is Good For You.

One of the books was a life guide and while looking through it I came across this bit of interesting advice .. Never use a hedgehog as loo paper.

I thought that I might leave this book as the author obviously had some strange personal habits that I didn't want Bertrand picking up.

I mean who would use a hedgehog as toilet paper anyway. They do have this habit of annointing themselves just incase they forget who they are .. but, still .. you don't want to confuse them even further by making them think they are you.

Hmmm .. I thought that I could understand how this might happen .. maybe .. as people might get toilet brushes and toilet paper mixed up and I suppose hedgehogs do look a bit like toilet brushes. Maybe Mr Symonds is right to bring this up. Imagine going for an interview after making that mistake. How would you explain why you couldn't sit down.

Still, I thought Mr Symonds wasn't speaking to the majority of people as I'd never heard of this happening before. You might think that this is because I'm from Madagascar and that there mightn't be any hedgehogs there .. nut .. bo .. there is a close relation.

Anyway, when I got back to the flat I thought I'd Google about it and see what I could find.

And .. Oh .. My .. God!!!!!!!!

Be very, very careful.

Saturday 8 August 2009

good night again

I'm waiting for my nightcap to cool so that I can go to bed which means I should have about fifteen minutes before I'm a padding the paws to bed again.

Tonight I'm having a tea made from tulsis and green teas all in the same mug though not in the same bag as they don't make them like that yet. You can get boxes of tulsi to make your own blends with but I'm not sure about white tea.

Uncle John is busy knitting badgers for everyone. He was so pleased with the first one that he thought we could all have one for Christmouse. We're a little sad the surprize has gone but are really looking forward to getting our badgers.

Young Bertrand's heart is set on a compost heap for his badger so we'll have to see what we can do.

Anyway, off to bed now. I'm such a sleepy lemuure at the moment and must pad the sleepy paw paws to zzzzzzzzzzzzz.