Thursday 15 May 2008

Swimmingwear and ocean currants

It seems that the global warmings and climate changes can be reflected in the type of swimware through the last century or so .. though some people might think that there had been a bit of the scientific prediction involved in the swimmingwear manufacturers.

But as one of the members of the local branch of climate change group, Rising Tides, that I was talking to said, we might possibly be moving back the other way .. it all depends on the currants in the oceans.

As he said things could get very cold ... very cold indeed .. which might make people change from the smaller swimming wear to the larger legged types and then on to the skating wear.

But, then again. .. the useful scientific diagram above might still be accurate because the scientists aren't quite sure what these currants are up to any more and quite when we could need the skating and different swimming wears in the future.

It depends on whether the North Atlantic Drift/Gulf Stream will be releasing the warmth from the waters here or not. There are other factors in the ocean that contribute to the temperature here too but this is a major one.

The reaisin is down to the salt in the currants or not in the currants.