Tuesday 22 July 2008

Back to zzzzzzzzzzzz

Almost five in the morning and up with the oramorphs. It takes about twenty minutes to work and then certain lemmure will be back in the land of dreamy dreams already I can feel the sleepiness overtaking the pain. I'm still a bit shivery .. though not with the cold but a cold. I thought it was more or less gone but it does get better every day .. it's just the slight shiveryness this morning and the extra aches and pains are nowhere near as bad.

So, in about ten minutes a certain lemuure has to pad the paws back to bed.

And back to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Padding the paws bedwards

I've pottered the paws to the land of dreamy dreams on time three nights out of the last four ... with half an hour's lateness here and there. It might've been two nights out of four if the oranges hadn't turned the internet off for us on the stroke of twelve last night. I have to admit I didn't give up easily but there was no going on .. Internet Explorer cannot display this page was the only message I got .. so I pottered off down the corridor.

And fell asleep as soon as I snuffled the snout into the pillows and curled the tail around.


Until this morning ... when I woke up earlier than I'd hoped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes it seems you just can't win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But this was because I hadn't woken up during the night for the oramorphies.

What to do!!!!!!! Anyway it'll be an early night again tonight .. midnight and no later.

What a day .. the sun was out for .. for part of the day .. though last night it had been so cold .. I'd pottered the paws out for the hot chooolate and pottered back at around ten and there was such a cold breeze aruffling the fur. I could not believe that this was summer .. there'd been the cold breezes aruffling the fur a few days before too .. and then people were telling me that it was so warm the next day that they'd been out enjoying the warm weather.

Well, not long before I have to think of turning the paws in fer the night .. only another four and a half to go but I will be a good lemuure and pad the paws bedwards on time.

I hope!!!!!

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Get ur motor running!!!!

Back from a night on the hot chocoolatings. He he he. Not far to pad the paws back which is good .. and I know if the paws get poorly I will be alright.

What a day!! Two appointments at the hospital .. with lots and lots of pillies to make sure that I don't run out .. it is the steroid sparing drug that is the most worrying .. lucky that there was enough with pills from another chemist the other week .. who had just a few in stock .. there wasn't time to get to the hospital pharamacy and it was the weekend when they are shut .. they only had six boxes there too. It is a rare drug .. often used for the transplants .. but also for illnesses like mine .. well, obviously .. as I am not a transplanted lemuure!!! At the hospital we had the silver nitrate for the over granulation .. where something is healing too enthusiastically. I didn't actually see it but they said it was the silver nitrate stick and they kind of chalk over the area that is healing. I was also told it would sting A LOT but the morphines etc stopped the pains or it just doesn't hurt too much with the overgrannulating.

I got to talk about the arabics .. the shukran and min fudhlik .. the thankyou and please and the laws .. you never know when u potter the paws out what u will end up talking about!!!! And it is good that I don't have to potter the paws far .. it is hard after eating and drinking sometimes. Though today I had the cauliflower and the samosas at the hospital with apple tart and coostard to follow and then got the bus back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though did wait a while because I had to go to the pharmacy .. and what a lot of people there .. all collecting their pillies for this and there pillies for that.

A nice day .. though I have to admit a certain lemuure has the cottonwoolly ears at the moment .. but maybe that's more to do with the asnishoos than anything else. I padded the paws back from the doctors too without out too much trouble. Though there are still the difficulties. But it isn't long since my doctor thought I might have to be a pavement driver in one of those motorised wheelchairs .. panic!!!!!!!!

Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highstreet
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way.

Instead I am pottering the paws doon the highway to the doctors .. a good fifteen minute potter I think. I have to stop a lot and if I try to rush I get out of breath .. but I can potter doon the highway again.

Saturday 12 July 2008


Well, New Scientist is back why it went .. or, maybe even if it went .. we do not know ... though it would've been strange if it had sold out. After reading this week's issue we realise that it might've been missing because of something someone's mum ate when she was expecting them or something like that .. this is because of the e .. pig ..enetics. Easy to remember because of the little piggies.

Well, the e .. sow .. enetics is about how doing things may affect the children as well as things just passed down through the genes.

Usually it's just accepted that traits are passed down through the genes .. though that it might be more complicated has been suggested before and along these lines.

I'm tired and haven't got the magazine infront of me but I will try and remember some examples .. though I am the very tired lemmure tonight. It's really interesting and very important it seems.

One example given was from Holland during the war when there was a famine there and preganant women didn't get much to eat .. it was found later on that the sons of these women all put on weight very easily. One thing cutting down calories a lot does is slow the metabolism down because the body stores calories in preparation for a long time with little food so uses energy up very slowly .. that's why people often put weight back on after being on a strict diet .. their metabolism has slowed down.

So it appears the women had passed the slow metabolism down to their sons .... they hadn't had much to eat during their pregnancies and their metabolisms had slowed down and this had been passed down to their sons. It didn't say whether the sons children had faster metabolisms or not.

Another example was that of mice who had been neglected by their mothers .. the young mice grew up to be very nervous and it was found that there were differences in their nervous systems that had been caused by their reactions to the neglect .. their nervous systems were physically different from mice who had not been neglected as young mice. It was more than just a behavioural reaction .. there had been physical changes in their nervous systems too which had occured while their brains were still developing and remained in adulthood.

Something like this was found again in a group of men who had been abused as children .. there were differences in their brains too .. all these guys had, sadly, gone on to kill themselves.

Another example given was of mice who's fathers had snorted coke in the lab .. their babies had been born with bad memories.

This is showing that there is more passed down from parents than just a basic genetic code and that the environment can affect the genes and so affect the developing child too.

With video





Shows how scientific thinking changes as new things come to light .. though this was suggested back along time ago .. just like climate change was predicted by British scientists back in the 19th century.

Anyway .. I have to go to sleep now .. I am a very tired lemuure.

Tomorrow I will read the article about the moon.


Wednesday 9 July 2008


Soooo. Where is the New Scientist this week .. it's not to be seen on any of the news stands we looked at ... well, only some copies from the week before. I rushed in on Thursday and thought they looked rather familiar .. and they were .. last week's is this weeks it seems. I did spot some New Scientist paperbacks in The British Heart Foundation shop .. Why Don't Penguins Feet Freeze and Does Anything Eat Wasps .. but no sign of this week's copy of the magazine.

Have the Globally warming climate changes finally taken their toll and have the staffies gone on their holidays. Lemuuries do hope the magazine hasn't become extinct as it is one of their favourities ... if they can get their paws on a copy. Things had seemed to look up when a rumour went round that it was due out on Sunday .. but Sunday arrived without New Scientist appearing. I suppose it could be next Sunday or the Sunday after that .. or, even, Thursday. Perhaps they'd looked out at the weather and thought it was christmas rather than summer and had a week off. Who knows.

Perhaps we will find out tomorrow cause Thursday is the day it usually appears.