Sunday 5 August 2007

Mini quizzes

I have been doing the mini quizzes again.

What flavour porridge do you like the best?





You know the kind of thing.

Which tree do you think is the best to curl up into at night?





What tattoo would you want on your tail?


John Cleese

A tomato

A wellington boot


The usual stuff.

No surprises when I found out that I was a Harry Potter obsessed lemurre whose dream in life is to spend at least a month at Southend every month. Wants to be a henna tattooist in life and be an aunt to 53 lemmuries. That my favourite shoes are the flippy floppies and my favourite country Alaska. That my favourite food is the holly leaf and my least favourite food is porridge.

Though the food one must've been a trick question cause there are no porridge trees so you get a back to front answer and my favourite food is porridge and really I don't think I would really like holly leaves for breakfast

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Up on the roof

Still sleeping l..o..n..g nights. But I take the hour before brekkies pills in with me at night now so I can take them before I get up. As the sleepiness after taking the first lot of pillies lasts about an hour and I have to wait an hour before eating after taking the steroid sparings it all kinda works out pretty well.

Mark them off there, mark them off here. Sigh!!!!! I wasn't keen on taking the steroid sparings earlier before because of the marking off but with the extra book it works out fine.

You get it worked out in the end. As I suppose they will the globally warming buildings. It seems a bit strange that when there's the technology to do this it's not being talked about that much. You'd think they'd want to tell everyone. I think we here have been advised to have roof gardens. Turf your roofs.. I think because that wasn't discussed much either. Not being much of a gardener I'm not quite sure how that would work ... how would the grass stay there and who would mow it.

Could you grow the tomatoes like on the window sill or even the desk. I'm told the home grown tomatoes are very nice ... even the desk grown ones. Next year .... hey!!!!!

Though I think it may be not that easy on the roof as it slopes but maybe the government'll be giving us gardening lessons for the grassy rooves.

How to attach the grass to the roof
How to mow up and down
Can we grow our own fruit and veg up there
How to water it if it gets a bit dry

We need to be told because I can't really work it out but then maybe most lemuuries have flat roofs and it's easier for them.

Just not here.