Tuesday 29 December 2009

Lovely Christmas

As usual Uncle John knitted us all a sock or two for Christmas. In fact he'd been so busy that he'd knitted us socks and sock badgers with their own sock. And we had Christmas socks to leave for Santa Paws to fill.

Of course we left out a Christmas sock for Uncle John too.

One of the presents that young Bertrand found in his Christmas sock .... luckily someone remembered it was there before he tried it on .. was a pencil. We'd found a whole present to go with this .... a pad of paper and a visit to this site


What a quiet lemuure he was for most of the day.

And we all got the lovliest pictures to put up on our walls.

What a lovely Christmas it was.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


It's almost ten o'clock and I think that certain lemuures should be thinking of turning in in an hour or two!! Not three or four maybe.

What a busy day .. padding the paws to the doctors in the morning thinking we were late but turning out to be early because we'd grabbed the wrong appointment slip while dashing the paws round trying to get there on time. Fortunately not too early though. What if it had been hours or even days early. Would the doctor have seen us before sending us home.

And what a change from the day before when we'd padded back in the snow. There we were at the doctors after padding there in the rain. I looked out of the window and said to someone "It's stopped raining" and I was right, it had. Half an hour or so later when it was time to go there was snow everywhere .. an inch or so settled on the ground with more almost blizzarding down it was so heavy.

What to do? Should we pad the paw paws back through the snows or should we use the carzies? We didn't have far to go so we decided to pad off home through the snow.

I thought that there'd be lots of snow the next morning ... but it had nearly all gone and the pavements and roads were almost clear when I poked my snout out of the door. Where had it gone? Surely it hadn't been warm enough over night to melt.


Thursday 3 December 2009


Lemuures are late always!!! Well, I often pad the paws out too slowly when I need to be somewhere but I think I might just start getting ready on time because I found these lovely screensavers that tell you the time.

These are my favourites but there are lots more





Even butterflies


I set my screensaver so that it comes up quite quickly and I'll be reminded quite a lot!!!
