Wednesday 6 May 2009


Yeah, probably better for me sleeping like this to be honest .. if I sleep for a long stretch it's difficult sorting meself out in the mornings .. sitting up is better too.

Dad used to sleep without going to bed when he was very ill and he was ok. My mouth is very sore at the moment .. mixture of the auto immume illness and catching colds .. someone said to try alum crystals because they'd always worked for them .. seems they're a thing of the past now though .. or, you can't get them here anyway. I thought that chemist on Warwick might stock them .. but they said they can't get them now so I guess that's pretty much all over. Boots didn't have them either.

There u r then .. I can't try them.

Still haven't got into my book .. lol!!! Not that interested I guess. Oh. well .. one day maybe. I thought when I bought it that it wasn't really a title that interested me .. and looks as if I'm right. I've felt quite ill the last month though and that's probably got something to do with it. Probably just about to come down with a cold too as there's been a bit of in car sneezing going on. Still there u go.

Not to worry.

I have got a cold though .. which, might, after today, be two colds .. but the cold I've got at the moment hasn't been too bad .. which is good cause I'd been feeling so lousy after the "6 day" bug .. it was like I couldn't get over it .. even though it'd gone. I just felt so lousy .. I've got another cold now ..hoping it's the same one as the car cold .. yet haven't felt that much worse. Well, not worse .. it's strange .. I've got a cold but I feel better than I did a week ago though I can feel the effects if the cold. Hopefully, this one's on it's way out.

Got me beans today .. will try making those meals I used to do. Will make sure I drink enough water too .. maybe a little too much diet cola has been going down the hatch .. not a good idea with the auto immune illness either. I was hoping to increase the effects of the pain meds with the caffeine in the coke .. but guess a cup of coffee would do just as well .. think the coke might be a bit heavy on the mucous membranes in my mouth.

I do need to look after myself a bit better .. and have started .. it's the flu that's got me moving I guess .. it reminded me about herbal treatments and that's started me thinking about other things too.

I haven't been bleeding quite so much the last few days .. the pain has been pretty bad though but you just have to keep plodding on .. I'm not worried about the flu .. if my time has come .. then it has .. and it could be, that, for me, it's better that it has than to keep on struggling this way. It'd be nice to feel a bit better though while I am still here.

And, maybe, some of that is up to me .. maybe not .. just have to see.